

After lunch yesterday, we went to the #HistoryOfScienceMuseum in #Oxford. It's not very big but contains some really fascinating exhibits. It is right next to the #SheldonianTheatre and well worth a visit.

Here are wooden models of the #FivePlatonicSolids.
Small platonic solids

This is a beautiful example of #HandWriting in a book. #Writing like this is certainly a lost art these days.
Handwritten book on astronomy

Here I am explaining to my spouse the similarities and differences between #Octants, #Sextants and #Quadrants.
Me explaining something to the camera user.

This wooden box contains some immaculate #brass #DrawingInstruments. Another rarity these days but I do remember learning how to use similar #instruments while studying at university.
A box of brass drawing instruments

A brass #sundial.
A brass sundial in a glass display

Without anything but manual #SurveyingEquipment, humans were able accurately to map out the entire globe. It's amazing what can be achieved when humanity works together. But also, this model is absolutely gorgeous.
A model globe approximately 40 cm in diameter

Not to be outdone, the #astronomers mapped the #sky and here it appears on a companion globe.
Astronomical globe plotting the position of the stars

No computers were around then but the ingenuity of humans to develop calculating instruments to allow them to crunch numbers meant the creation of some devices of stupendous cunning.
A slide rule and a cylinder used to conduct high-precision calculations

To this day, trainee pilots have to master the #CircularSlideRule in order to do calculations for various tasks. Before flying was ever developed, such #SlideRules were in common use.
Circular slide rule

This #camera is another fine example of hand-made instruments. The craft and skill of whoever made it is a marvel.
A wooden box camera

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Yesterday, we went on a day trip to #Oxford by #train. No other means of powered transport was used as we #cycled to and from our local #RailwayStation.

Here is the #countryside zooming past the train window.
Blurred image of trees

It was a nice day to be out and the city has its own distinctive #architecture, much dominated by the UniversityOfOxford.
A building of the University of Oxford

Some of the centre is a zero-emission zone or #ZEZ, aimed at curbing the use of polluting vehicles. Such vehicle owners need to pay to use roads in that area.
A street with a ZEZ sign

Here I am walking up a street with some nice buildings in the background.
Me walking up a quiet street

The view of a church from across some botanical gardens.
Church tower behind some gardens

The entrance to those gardens.
Entrance to botanical gardens

The #SheldonianTheatre. This is where the degree ceremonies take place.
The Sheldonian Theatre

Oxford #TownHall is in a similar style to other buildings in the city.
Oxford Town Hall

I'm not sure what this building is but I don't think it's part of the university.
A building in the centre of Oxford

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #Android #Spring #UK #England