In #StructuralEngineering #Analysis, #InfluenceLines are used to depict the variation of quantity at a particular location as the location of a #Load or #Action is changed. In the #Animation shown, we can see the change in #BendingMoment in a #StaticallyDeterminate #Beam as a unit force moves from one end to the other. Both the #BendingMomentDiagram and the influence line for bending moment at the centre of the left-hand span, B, are shown. The influence line is often used as a tool to determine where the load should be placed to cause the most extreme cases of interest, say for #design purposes.
#MyWork #CCBYSA #WxMaxima #FreeSoftware #AnimatedGif #Engineering
A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I went to the birthday party of a retired colleague. There she saw a #model #bridge which could be assembled with wooden elements and nothing else. It got her enthused about making her own smaller version and so she went off to a local DIY store and bought a few lengths of timber and started tinkering. This is version 0.1 and is a proof of concept but it already comfortably holds 8 kg. The next steps will be to get all the pieces properly aligned and contacting each other at the correct angle. I'll make a #StructuralEngineer out of her yet.
#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #StructuralEngineering #Woodwork