

New York Times business editor Andrew Sorkin seeks an economic boycott on anti-genocide students.

He wrote in a column:
- “Many business leaders have told me they are deeply concerned about incidents of harassment against Jewish students that have taken place at and around universities like Columbia”
- “Companies could tell universities that they won’t hire their students”
- “Wall Street, private equity and venture capital firms may uniquely have [a pressure point]: They could threaten to stop managing the endowments” of the universities.
- “Examining D.E.I. policies [Diversity, equity, and inclusion] [...] What would happen if the Wall Street firms also sent such questionnaires to the universities before deciding to work with them as clients?”
- “The most common course of action so far has been to pull back on individual donations.”

#Politics #Fascism #StudentRevolt #Israel #US #Genocide #Capitalism #NYT