

Almost exactly 40 years after I moved to Sweden, my kids are going to move there to live and study for a few years and who knows maybe they decide to stay there instead of moving back to France or even the US.

I have started teaching them Swedish, together with Babel for self-learning, found this book a great start for beginner level.

It is fun spending several hours per day on Signal app to have virtual classes and go over the material, pronunciation, basic grammar among other things.

One really amazing thing is that both of them have problem with the "R" in Swedish, they both pronounce it like the French, even thought they have no problem with it in English. I guess their bilingual mindset is switching to French mode when trying to learn a new language.

#Swedish #Language #Family #Svenska #Språk #Sverige


Den älskande

Mina ögon vill kyssa ditt ansikte.
Jag har ingen makt över mina ögon.
De vill bara kyssa ditt ansikte.
Jag strömmar mot dig ur mina ögon,
och dallrar kring dina skuldror av en fin hetta
som långsamt löser upp dina konturer
och jag är hos dig, hos din mun
och överallt omkring dig –
jag har ingen makt över mina ögon.

Jag sitter med mina händer i skötet,
jag rör dig inte och jag ska aldrig tala.
Men mina ögon kysser ditt ansikte,
jag stiger ur mig själv och ingen kan hindra mig,
detta outgrundliga flöde kan jag inte stanna,
detta lysande som varken vet av slut eller början –
men när du slutligen vänder dina ögon mot mig,
dina ovetande, frågande, dina främmande ögon,
sänker jag mig själv i mina händer
och återvänder under mina ögonlock.

-- Solveig von Schoultz (1907-1996)

#svenska #poesi #swedish #poetry #poem


Trigger warning: crime against children
A very nasty experience to talk about but there are few outlets where i can share this. A professor at my university has been accused of committing disgusting sex crimes against children (don't want to use the exact detailed terms here). He is not from my department but i have known of him, and recently happened to follow an academic course, where he was also in our group, and we even happened to sit at the same table and share pleasant dinner conversations just a couple of months ago. We have a group photo together. I cannot express how shocked and disgusted i am, this is the first (and hopefully last) time in my life when i have come so close to a horrible criminal.
He is quite successful in his field, i would not call him a star, but he sure has very solid academic credit and international profile. He has superficial charm as many sociopaths do. He has kids of his own and has been married 2 times. His facebook profile portrays a jolly family man, always surrounded with friends and family.
Well, it turns out he was repeatedly abusing 2 boys over the course of the last 4 years (!). The abuse started when the boys were 7 and 8 y.o. Apparently he was a family friend and would often babysit these boys. He would take them to his university commuter apartment, sauna or swimming pool. This superficial information is already available to the media.
Further the plot thickens. In Sweden förundersökningsprotokoll (FUP)- preliminary investigation report- is available for public. One of the internet sleuths has already ordered it. It is a document of 1500 pages (only hard copy) containing even more despicable details and exposing the guy as a true sociopath. Apparently this dude is a member of a ring of like-minded individuals, where they rationalize their perpetrations that 'sex is 'natural' for children, and children want it themselves, so they should not be denied it, etc.'. Expected photographic content was also discovered on his phone. Some even hint at links to a certain political party. Possibly there are more crimes to be uncovered...

Just a reminder, always, always keep an eye on your (and others') children, be in good contact with them! Teach them what is not ok! Prevent this from happening!

Those who read Swedish can look here https://www.expressen.se/nyheter/krim/universitetslektor-atalad-for-flera-barnvaldtakter/
#children #sweden #sverige #svenska #crime #sex #violence