

So we have this Trifecta of #Terror, with America at the top, anchored by Ukraine and Israel, and we have now just defined what is the problem in the world today. [...] You know it's amazing when you take America out of the mix how important #diplomacy becomes. But when you inject America into the mix it's the #military solution. I think we've identified what the problem in the world today is. It's spelled U-S-A.

— Scott Ritter, in an interview with Garland Nixon

#TrifectaOfTerror #UnitedStateRulingClass #ZionistEntity #Ukraine #ScottRitter


[W]hat we stand for is #war. What we stand for is #death. What we stand for is #destruction. We don't stand for peace, we don't stand for stability, we don't stand for good relations among men. We're the opposite. We are the #evil that walks the world. And one of the reasons why we can be classified as evil is because of our continuing embrace of the most evil entity on the planet today which is the state of Israel.

--- Scott Ritter, talking about US foreign policy in an interview with Garland Nixon

#UnitedStateRulingClass #ZionistEntity #ScottRitter