

So we have this Trifecta of #Terror, with America at the top, anchored by Ukraine and Israel, and we have now just defined what is the problem in the world today. [...] You know it's amazing when you take America out of the mix how important #diplomacy becomes. But when you inject America into the mix it's the #military solution. I think we've identified what the problem in the world today is. It's spelled U-S-A.

β€” Scott Ritter, in an interview with Garland Nixon

#TrifectaOfTerror #UnitedStateRulingClass #ZionistEntity #Ukraine #ScottRitter


[W]hat we stand for is #war. What we stand for is #death. What we stand for is #destruction. We don't stand for peace, we don't stand for stability, we don't stand for good relations among men. We're the opposite. We are the #evil that walks the world. And one of the reasons why we can be classified as evil is because of our continuing embrace of the most evil entity on the planet today which is the state of Israel.

--- Scott Ritter, talking about US foreign policy in an interview with Garland Nixon

#UnitedStateRulingClass #ZionistEntity #ScottRitter


And now there's a national discourse [in the Zionist entity] about whether the IDF and Israeli soldiers have the right to rape Palestinian prisoners, and guess what faction is winning? The pro-rape faction. The pro-rape debate side of Israeli society is winning. The prisoners that was caught on tape raping Palestinian men was released by Israel, and it was released to massive applause my friends. And the position of the Biden Administration was uh we let this pro-rape society decide whether they are under international law (and they already open about the fact that they're not)

--- Nick on RBN (Revolutionary Blackout Network), August 9

#RBN #ZionistEntity #rape #SexualViolence


[...] What was intended as a legal charade to demonstrate to the ICC that Israel could hold its soldiers accountable for crimes – in this case, the gang rape of a prisoner at the Sde Teiman concentration camp – has backfired and exposed the psychological sickness emanating from the heart of Jewish Israeli society.

The sadistic torture that has taken place at Sde Teiman and other Israeli dungeons was undeniably fueled by the state-led propaganda hoax accusing Hamas of "systemic sexual violence" on October 7. Legacy Western outlets like the NY Times, BBC, The Guardian, along with the voice of Israel's "enlightened public," Haaretz, legitimized the hoax, and have refused to retract or even correct reports that were comprehensively debunked. [...]

--- Max Blumenthal, on x/twitter

#ZionistEntity #rape #torture #MaxBlumenthal


The U.S./Israeli hostage rescue operation was a massive violation of the Law of War, especially as it pertains to the issue of proportionality.

There is no legal jurisdiction that would certify a claim that rescuing four hostages is worth 200-plus civilians.

Even the Israeli Supreme Court agrees this outcome is a gross violation of the principle of proportionalityβ€”as it set out in a 2004 decision.

The question now is whether the ICC will have the moral integrity to set forth an additional indictment against Israel, and an indictment against the U.S.

Don’t hold your breath.

β€” Scott Ritter, on x/twitter

#ScottRitter #ICC #ZionistEntity #Palestine #Gaza #genocide


Israel, with U.S. assistance, launched a so-called β€œhostage rescue” mission in Gaza.

Four Israeli hostages were rescued.

Three others, including an American citizen, were killed.

Along with more than 200 Palestinian civilians.

The IDF force took casualties, with at least one senior commander being killed.

In any normal society, this operation would be classified as a failure, and investigations launched.

In Zionist Israel, they are celebrating.

A question for Biden: what role did the U.S. military/intelligence community play in facilitating the murder of an American citizen at the hands of the IDF.

And is it acceptable practice for the U.S. to support military operations that kill hundreds of civilians to recover hostages whose release could have been secured simply by implementing a viable ceasefire?

--- Scott Ritter, on x/twitter

#ScottRitter #ZionistEntity #Palestine #Gaza #genocide


Israel's torture apparatus is arguably the largest and most multifaceted the world has ever seen.

Palestinians almost never talk about it because it's too humiliating and traumatic, but hundreds of thousands of them underwent severe torture under the occupation (I am not exaggerating the number), with many losing their lives and their sanity, including children.

The truth about this vast torture apparatus will be made public someday, though, and when it does, all that you think you think about Israel will be made a hundred times worse

--- Alon Mizrahi, on x/twitter

#horror #trauma #torture #humiliation #Israel #ZionistEntity #AlonMizrahi