

Here is a juvenile Great Blue Heron - largest heron in North America - an adult with seasonal aigrettes, here with a young one in the nest still, although old enough to have started turning grey/blue. Like the (snow white) Great Egret, the adults grow fine aigrettes (fan-like crown feathers) during mating/nesting season. And the youngsters for a time, sport this sort of "punk"/Mohican look.

This family here is next door neighbors to a large nest of Great Egrets, with equally energetic chicks and with parents sporting beautiful aigrettes during mating season.

Here is the Great White Egret family next door (from last spring):

Great Egret in Breeding Plumage

Video of Great Egret Family @ youtu.be/pOnQzoRugnY

And many more birds nesting on Flickr and my own online rookery. ;)

#birds #nature #photography #myphotos #Fenfotos #herons #egrets #aigrettes


Monarch on a 'Cotton Tree'
Thinking warm... From just a few weeks back... What a difference!

These bush/trees are fairly common here along the Gulf Coast of SW FL, but I have no idea what they are. They can be fairly massive and covered with these white flowers which seem like cotton, or dandelion, very delicate.

The butterflies seem to like it very much, whatever it is. (Know the name?)

More nature photography @ http://www.fenichel.com/nature

Great Heron in breeding aigrettes

Keep warm! #StaySafe #myphoto #butterfly #egret #aigrettes #Monarch #nature #photography #Fenfotos