

Here is a juvenile Great Blue Heron - largest heron in North America - an adult with seasonal aigrettes, here with a young one in the nest still, although old enough to have started turning grey/blue. Like the (snow white) Great Egret, the adults grow fine aigrettes (fan-like crown feathers) during mating/nesting season. And the youngsters for a time, sport this sort of "punk"/Mohican look.

This family here is next door neighbors to a large nest of Great Egrets, with equally energetic chicks and with parents sporting beautiful aigrettes during mating season.

Here is the Great White Egret family next door (from last spring):

Great Egret in Breeding Plumage

Video of Great Egret Family @ youtu.be/pOnQzoRugnY

And many more birds nesting on Flickr and my own online rookery. ;)

#birds #nature #photography #myphotos #Fenfotos #herons #egrets #aigrettes


Grand Anhinga Nest - Anhingas, Egrets, & Ibises - a Community on a Rookery

This is on a small island rookery in SW Florida, now in "nesting season".
Mostly egrets are here, snowy and great, and as usual the juveniles are squawking and play-fighting.

And here is a very large, comfy nest for the Anhingas, who are monogamous and may return to the same nest/spot each year.
This year I've seen few of the once-common glossy ibises, but you can see one or two here, midway through.

#MyPhoto #MyVideo #birds #BirdPhotography #photography #nature #anhinga #nest #egrets #ibises #Fenfotos
More still photography of birds @ http://www.fenichel.com/birds

More vids @ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MichaelFenichel


"Chuckles and Yak-Yak"
Two loquacious juvenile Great Egrets.

Since I was a child, people have said, "your photos are postcards", as I compose through the viewer and "what you see is what you get", very rarely cropping. Sometimes I do experiment and wonder if a crop would be more dramatic. Case in point here. A long shot (original) provides the "context and perspective" I usually enjoy, but I tried a crop here to focus more on their expression, such as can be seen in the shadows and distance. Not sure which I prefer now...

More birds roosting on my web collection @ http://www.fenichel.com/birds

#birds #nature #photography #myphoto #egrets #nest #loquacious #fenfotos #nesting #spring