Bewegt man einen Blumenkübel, der längere Zeit im #Garten gestanden hat, so findet man darunter oft Eingänge zum Erdnest der Gelben #Wiesenameise. Sie sind Nutztierhalter: Im Nest züchten sie Wurzelläuse, von deren Honigtau 🍯 sie leben.
Deep in our hearts, in the depths of our soul, we all know what is going on. We know the earth is upset and angry. We know the shootings, the violence, the punitive laws against abortion, women’s rights, gay rights, minorities; the institutionalized entitlements that allow the rich to amass more money than they spend in 100 lifetimes; the crimes against nature; the insane wars pounding beautiful cities that took hundreds of years to build into ruble in a matter of hours, the authoritarian mindset filled with trauma and shame and rage…we know this is the old obsolete story of separation. We know its going to kill us and poison us and destroy everything we think we have a right to but we don’t stop and consider a new story of beauty, compassion, interconnection and love.
The aboriginal people say that the sin of the emu is responsible. This is the sin of insisting that some of us are somehow innately superior to others.
So with all that is going on to drive everyone just a little bit insane, this is what I do to keep myself in touch with a new story. I paint, on canvas, on walking sticks and on rocks and flagstone shards. Here are some recent examples I've stuck into my wife's flower garden.
#myart #santafeartist #rockpainting #mandalaart #acrylic #healinghand #ant #hummingbird #earth #gardening
EarthSky.org encourages readers to submit photos. I sent this one and they published it. :) Mind you, I think they publish everyone's. 😂
#photography #Lesleyphoto #macro #ant #hibiscus #pollen #EarthSky
Una goccia di rugiada.
La #formica che si disseta prima che l'acqua cada sul terreno.
Siamo talmente abituati a considerare il #mondo gigante, dove stiamo noi, da non considerare tutto quel #microcosmo infinito che eppure ci circonda. Senza di esso. Senza la goccia di rugiada e un #insetto che beve non esisteremmo nemmeno noi. Perché è tutto collegato, perché siamo tutti collegati.
Riflessione amara, considerati i nostri comportamenti e le nostre profonde cecità.
#GuardianiDellaTerra #ViteCollegate #MicroCosmi #AltroCheTransazioneEcologica
#EarthGuardians #ConnectedLives #MicroCosms #OtherThanEcologicalTransaction
A dewdrop.
The #ant that quenches its thirst before the water falls to the ground.
We are so used to considering the giant #world, where we are, that we do not consider all that infinite #microcosm that surrounds us. Without it. Without the drop of dew and a #insect drinking we wouldn't even exist. Because everything is connected, because we are all connected.
A bitter reflection, given our behaviour and our profound blindness.
The first time I went to The Morton Arboretum they had these ten-foot tall ant sculptures.
#photo #photography #nikon #d700 #sculpture #ant #art #arboretum #mortonarboretum
#foto #photo #fotografie #photography #mywork #art #arte #kunst #kreativität #image #picture #beautiful #nice #ameise #ant
... Ameise am Rande eines Magnolienblattes