

Mellisuga helenae aka the "bee hummingbird" is the smallest known bird. Also called a zunzuncito, this tiny bird is native to Cuba.

When I finally get over to Cuba, I'll be keeping my eyes open. I'm guessing that getting one to sit in my hand is pretty much impossible.
#birds #nature #hummingbird #cuba #animals


Rubinkehlkolibri / Ruby-throated Hummingbird

(Archilochus colubris)
Indiana, USA – August 2022

Ein Männchen sitzt in einem Wacholderbusch und zeigt seine irisierende, metallisch schimmernde Kehle, der dieser Kolibri seinen Namen verdankt. Diese Farbenpracht ist nur aus wenigen Blickwinkeln und abhängig vom Lichteinfall zu sehen. Aus den meisten anderen Blickwinkeln gesehen wirkt die Kehle mattschwarz, wie auf dem zweiten Foto zu sehen ist.

Der kleine Vogel wacht eifersüchtig über sein Territorium einschließlich unseres Futterspenders und vertreibt ziemlich aggressiv jeden Eindringling und Nahrungskonkurrenten.

#Foto #Fotografie #Photo #Photography #MyWork
#Kolibri #Hummingbird



Deep in our hearts, in the depths of our soul, we all know what is going on. We know the earth is upset and angry. We know the shootings, the violence, the punitive laws against abortion, women’s rights, gay rights, minorities; the institutionalized entitlements that allow the rich to amass more money than they spend in 100 lifetimes; the crimes against nature; the insane wars pounding beautiful cities that took hundreds of years to build into ruble in a matter of hours, the authoritarian mindset filled with trauma and shame and rage…we know this is the old obsolete story of separation. We know its going to kill us and poison us and destroy everything we think we have a right to but we don’t stop and consider a new story of beauty, compassion, interconnection and love.

The aboriginal people say that the sin of the emu is responsible. This is the sin of insisting that some of us are somehow innately superior to others.

So with all that is going on to drive everyone just a little bit insane, this is what I do to keep myself in touch with a new story. I paint, on canvas, on walking sticks and on rocks and flagstone shards. Here are some recent examples I've stuck into my wife's flower garden.

#myart #santafeartist #rockpainting #mandalaart #acrylic #healinghand #ant #hummingbird #earth #gardening


Now here is a suitable "Daily Awwww"

This was posted on a nature photography forum (unusual post there) but really a lovely share.

Man Finds Baby Hummingbird On The Side Of The Road

Beyond the title... This is not about an injury and there's no roadside scenes. This man took a malnourished baby hummingbird and "parented" her in some smart and creative ways, coaxing and observing the art of flying and finding food while hovering, and then a nature release. Lovely, I think. From our nature loving DoDo.

#Nature #hummingbird #birdrescue