


Cat Ivins

..."What will Plutonian INTENSITY, a natural square to Aquarius intelligence and detachment, bring?

Will what seemed so close to being 'power to the people' when Pluto met up with Uranus (the modern ruler of Aquarius) in the 1960's, be more about "a tech plutocracy/rulership", littered with "trust the science" inspired by whatever events it takes for us to conform our collective consciousness into a giant cohesive "greater good" style machine?

Or, is there another way, a better way, a more human way, for us to evolve into more collective individuals?

We are not so much evolving as co-evolving. But thousands of years under the umbrella of 'patriarchy', which is NOT about old white men by the way, has left us susceptible to not knowing what REALLY supports and nourishes us.

There is something about this Sun-blinding Cappy-close-out (who says Pluto doesn't have style?) that is screaming at us to LOOK DEEPER.

Aquarius will ask us to put aside our old familiar ways of thinking and relating and doing things and using/building/holding onto structure. And since the transit of URANUS INTO GEMINI IS COMING/breathing down our necks and Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius and Uranus will be the last chess player to move onto the board before the new game begins AND will trine Pluto in Aquarius, while co-ruling him, FIVE times between 2026 and 2028 -

it will be important to ask questions in ways that we can be surprised by the answers.

A person during the American, French or Industrial Revolutions, living on planet Earth the last time Pluto entered Aquarius, could have had no idea of what was ahead for them and we don't either."...


Nikki Haley/Date of birth
January 20, 1972


The #astrology of Nikki #Haley
Lynn Hayes

#Saturn rules the #Capricorn Sun, and is trine the Sun; an astrological “double whammy” that shows just how hard a worker she is. Saturn teaches the mastery of the material world, and here we have a chart that is driven towards that mastery. There is insecurity here as well, with Saturn retrograde at the 29th degree. Success is not guaranteed, and people with Saturn retrograde tend to be particularly hard on themselves if they are not producing something worthwhile. And her Mercury is also in Capricorn, the sign of someone who is a practical thinker and she started doing the bookkeeping for her mother’s business when she was 13.
Her Mars is in Aries so she already has that “badass” (her word) quality, and says she doesn’t wear heels for fashion but to “kick with a smile.”
Her Mars is opposed by Uranus, planet of rebellion, suggesting that she resists being controlled by others and will always seek her own way. Mercury forms a square aspect to both Mars and Uranus revealing a combative communication style (Mercury square Mars) and a tendency to think for herself (Mercury square Uranus).
The relationship between Ms. Haley’s chart and the Sibly chart of the U.S. is striking, with her Pluto sitting right on the Midheaven of the U.S. chart and her Capricorn Sun conjunct the U.S. Pluto. This Plutonic connection is incredibly potent and suggests that if she does reach the Presidency that her reign would lead to significant reorganization and change. Her South Node of the past conjoins the U.S. North Node of the future, often considered a karmic link with the suggestion that she, as the South Node link, could favorably impact the future (North Node) of the U.S."...



#Pluto Enters #Aquarius
#Astrology By Lauren

..."Because Pluto resides at the very distant outer fringes of our solar system its movements are glacial, and its effects transformative, both on society as a whole, as well as in our own individual lives. And when it changes signs, which it does infrequently, we can feel the sea change, as well as experience the growing pains that comes with it.

The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1777 thru 1798. We were in the throes of the American Revolution, soon followed by the French revolution, which was then followed by its reign of terror. Pluto is dramatic in its effects, and revolutionary. Not only politically but economically and socially. The very motto derived from the French Revolution succinctly defines the Aquarian ideals of Liberty, Equality and Brotherhood.

We are entering another Pluto in Aquarius era, and there simply is no avoiding it. And as Pluto leaves the last vestiges of the Capricorn era, there will be those who will resist the transition. It could seem to some as if their whole lives, everything that they built up, everything that they believed in is being subject to change and even destruction. There will be those who out of desperation will try to hold on, refusing to step down and make way for the new paradigm. But they must.

Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better. ~ King Whitney Jr.

For a good part of the year ahead, Saturn will semi-square Pluto symbolizing this resistance. But we have no choice. Society as a whole will continue to evolve despite themselves. And the stark reality of an evolving society can no longer be resisted in the end. It simply must be.

Pluto in Aquarius has this capacity to transform, and even revolutionize the world in remarkable ways. And it has the capacity to do so in our own individual lives as well. "...



The Jupiter/Saturn Road Map 2024
#Astrology By Lauren

Know also that change is not always welcome. And know that even after November, when #Pluto is fully seated in the sign of #Aquarius, the old guard from the Pluto in #Capricorn era will still be holding on. But only barely.

Old habits die hard. Old regimes continue to vie for control Vestiges from bygone eras will continue to try to insinuate themselves into our lives, as they long for a past that we have long since outgrown. There can be fear with change: Fear of becoming irrelevant; Fear that all that we had worked so hard to create is subject to destruction; perhaps even fear of destruction of all that we knew. And so we desperately cling to what once was, and what we were familiar with.

And as we stand here at the very last degree of Capricorn, we stand on this threshold between one era and the next. And it can feel a little scary. And it can be hard to let go. Pluto can be a metaphor for death and destruction. But it is also a symbol for birth and renewal.

Over the past 15 years, what valuable lessons have I learned? What achievements have I contributed to? What have I helped to build?

What are we still holding on to that we no longer need, and is only holding us back, and preventing us from growing?

What traditions or outmoded ideas are no longer relevant to us as a whole?

What are those things in society that are no longer sustainable?

What are the traditions and customs that are worth saving, and help to further support and define our values?

How can I best share what I have learned with others? Or make it more meaningful?

On January 20th both the Sun and Pluto will enter Aquarius.


What the New Moon in Capricorn Means for You
It's time to realign with your soul's purpose.
Updated Jan 10, 2024

..."The new #Moon exact is #January 11th, 2024, at 3:57 am PT.
Traditionally, #Capricorn is associated with our career. This energy, though, is so much more than what we do for a paycheck. It’s about finding the great work our souls were put on this earth to find. It’s about our legacies and what we will be known for after our physical bodies are long gone. It’s about finding the work that merges body, heart, mind, and spirit.

This work may take the form of a career, but it may also be a hobby, raising a child, or volunteering for something you believe in. Your life’s work can take many forms, but no matter what shape it takes, it feels good to your soul. It does not feel limiting, confining, or dull. It feels exciting, freeing, and motivating. Yes, at times, your life’s work will need a hit of inspiration. It will always feel like you are exactly where you’re meant to be. It will always feel aligned with your core essence and energy.

Finding our life’s work can take years. Unfortunately, most of us were not taught to pursue it. It requires experimentation on our part and the courage to take some leaps of faith. These leaps are strengthened by our resolve and deep trust in ourselves. This trust is cultivated through hearing our intuition and following our inner compass. Capricorn is the sign of solitude. It encourages us to go inward this season and spend time alone. It’s in this space where we can truly hear our hearts and inner knowing without the influence of others.
Even when we desire big change in our lives, we often play it safe. We limit our dreams and sell ourselves short of our potential. On this new Moon, notice any patterns that keep you small as you write your intentions. Dare yourself to create a vision that may seem almost impossible. Challenge the first draft of your intentions and notice if you default to the same dreams you write repeatedly. Ask yourself why you might be keeping yourself small. Is it out of fear? Do you not think you are worthy of big visions? Or are they just too much work?

This Moon is your chance to create real, long-lasting change in your life. Decide how you want to feel, what will help you feel that way, and what changes you want to see happen. Then don’t hold yourself back.

The new Moon also forms an exact square with the north node in Aries. Squares cause friction and tension until a breakthrough is reached. The north node represents our destiny. It holds the lessons we are collectively learning as a society. We can then integrate these lessons into our life path.
Consider the shifts you want to make in your life this year. What changes do you want to see unfold over 2024? Perhaps you want to live somewhere new, take a different job, or start a family.

You do not need to know the details of how any of these changes will happen. Simply acknowledge what you would like to see evolve this year. Then bring these changes back to yourself. How will these changes make you feel? What are you excited to see happen this year? And what changes make you nervous?

As you write your intentions this new Moon, feel how you can prioritize your life’s work and soul’s path this year. Feel what you need to begin to align with your life’s work. What vibration do you need to embody? How can you prioritize the energy of your soul this year? What affirmations will help you?"...


I've been asking who people see as possible #POTUS with such traits as experience, intelligence,
calm, resourceful, compassionate, #charismatic to bring us forward through vastly complex troubled times.

So far there has not been much response, but these people have been seen by some:

Pete Buttigieg
Michele Obama
Katie Porter
Jon Stewart

the first 3, the ones already in public office, are Sun sign #Capricorn:

The Personality of a Capricorn, Explained

what do you say? Who do you see?

#politics #astrology


Queen of Sea and Mountain

Winter born, Saturn ruled, not a saint nor a fool,
persisting over rocky peaks, through stormy seas,
not content to seek what comes easily.
Take a good, hard road and get going.
Mountains beg to be climbed.
Steep stone, this world of woe and
exaltation, daring to swoop, touch depths,
emptiness slick with tears.
Behind, terrors that made us more aware.
Beyond yonder slope, who knows what epics
left to find, to ride in wonder.
Breathing higher air,
the wise goat climbs with care.

Time for calm regard, to ponder,
to welcome adventure or whatever arrives.
Engage with ritual for gleaning
joy enriched deeply layered meaning!
Maybe study chapters from multifaceted lives —
refine as art, mining treasure from memories.
Wise in the ways of demons, oracles, gypsy Queens;
brave, adaptive, resilient, self-possessed;
Buddha-like compassion, learned in cycles
of conscious labor, blessed bliss.
Weathered, withered, listen, be risen.
Resurrected tempered mettle,
engorged with will to rise
ever again.

Slowly turning toward enlightened reason,
pausing at each portal to awe.
Ahead on the climb up this temporal ladder,
what legends of mastery draw us in?

Part of a grander destiny –
abiding through trials, tests, bitter lessons.
Never a finishing point, wisdom’s gifts —
ease of peace in contemplation, transcendent
imagery, welcoming grace — appear bit by bit,
day by day. Solace wildly spins toward
Time for the simple and natural, anointing
the soul in calm reflection,
to make of the whole sad cacophony
discrete instruments of harmony,
of divine symphony,
to act with impeccable integrity.
Rocky hazards face all who walk this ridge.
Take it slow; let time wait.
Immersed, made into a person, a defined moving space,
mesmerized, bound in measures. Outcast
from safe discipline of tribal faith,
to create from beyond common form.
Within this mad parade — the will to cure, kill,
carry on courageous —

The image of a wishful star:
a steady shine — but still so far.
The nights of hope; the days of pain —
on and on, that old refrain.
Counting out the chimes as if time were treasure.
Built on years of sun, storm, forces claimed
and reconfigured to bring us here.
Quiescent summit of hero’s mountain
soothed by view of waves, of distant heights.
Currents lift to flow, fall to rise.
Symbols, releasing over transits of Time
manifest intention, give birth to form and substance,
give meaning to here and now
as it expands into ever after.

#poetry #capricorn #astrology



#Pluto in #Capricorn – Extreme Consolidation Of #Power
January 5, 2024 Elsa

..."Pluto will wrap up in Capricorn, November 2024. ...

Early on, I realized it was about consolidation. Getting your crap (Pluto) together? Compacted? I quickly saw this to be true on every level.
When we hit the pandemic years, mom and pop businesses were made to close, while corporate-owned stores and restaurants made bank. At the same time, independent websites (like this one), were excluded from “search”, to send people to large corporate owned platforms – more consolidation.

AI is another form of this. Information gathered over 25 years of so, from countless individual (like me), who typed their knowledge into the machine, is now consolidated into some soulless answer to a query.

We will now see ten jobs rolled into one and eventually, one hundred jobs rolled into one. I can’t even think beyond that.

We’ve also got the bulk of wealth in the stock market concentrated in seven stocks. Is this not consolidation?
I also think “power” has also been consolidating, surreptitiously, throughout this period. It’s there to see but there are too many distractions and people are also pretty overwhelmed at this point."...



The Astrologer and the Witch Trial with Danny Buck

..."Josh Hutchinson: How was #astrology perceived in early modern Great Yarmouth? And why was it important?

Danny Buck: There's the three elements which I find very interesting about how astrology was perceived. At one level, it's something that seems very [00:04:00] useful to ordinary people. We've got records going back as far as the 16th century of a man called William Wicherly, who admitted he did conjure in a great circle with a sword and ring consecrated, and Thomas Owldring of Yarmouth, who was a conjurer and had good books of conjuring, who people were going to visit.

Danny Buck: They were seeking to understand the future. And also search for lost property. For others it was actually a way of looking for their, using predictions, to look at their medical health. So find a diagnosis and seek medical treatment. As we're going to look at, for some people this element of astrology cutting into conjuring, the act of charms and raising spirits for advice is cutting into witchcraft, that you're not just looking to do a predictable science, understanding God's plan for the universe with the stars, but in fact actually asking the dead for [00:05:00] advice, or even devils. Finally, there were some people rather cynical about this, even by the middle of the 17th century. People who were thinking that astrology is nothing but a con trick, a way for illiterate peasants or gullible guests to seek lost things from someone who could tell them what they wanted to hear, probably closer to our idea of cold reading,someone who can speak the names of the constellations enough to seem educated or have some secret knowledge over the rest of them.

Sarah Jack: What was the golden age of astrology?

Danny Buck: This is a difficult question. Obviously, astrology has been something that we can go all the way back to ancient Mesopotamia, if not earlier. People have always looked to the stars and tried to seek meaning in them. We think of things like Halley's Comet being seen just before the Battle of Hastings as an ill omen for the Saxons. But the 17th century introduced a couple of elements that made astrology more accurate, or at least to [00:06:00] those who believed in it. Accurate clocks meant that birth dates would not be a vague day, but be put down right to the hour. Increasingly accurate telescopes and astronomical, as opposed to astrological, equipment was being invented that meant that stars could be understood in ever greater clarity and purpose.

Danny Buck: Think it was Bernard Capp who said that the last of the astrologers were the first of the astronomers. I think a very famous astrologer for the court in Poland, Copernicus, started off as the court astrologer. This meant that you could ask for a birth chart from an astrologer and you could put it down to the minute and therefore get what would seem to be an increasingly accurate diagnosis.

Danny Buck: But also, because of the printing press, astrology became ever more accessible to the ordinary person. The astrologer I want to talk about today, Mark Prynne, started his career with basically like a dummy's first guide [00:07:00] of how to look at the stars. Something, a brief of Moulsons Almanac. So again, as opposed to the full book, it's a brief, so it's been shortened and made more accessible for the ordinary reader, as opposed to the larger original, I think it's originally a 15th century French almanac.

Josh Hutchinson: What other products did astrologers create?

Danny Buck: The most obvious one is the element of prediction, which is by casting a chart. This isn't a particularly visual medium, but you can often see them survive in this period, often with a square with a circle inside, or some pattern of that, which is then used to reflect the houses of the stars and their positions and how that therefore interacts with the balance of the humours and health, as well as a person's personality."...



The State of #Astrology as We Enter 2024
© Jennie Thomas - published by The Astrological Journal, 2023 / The Astrological Association of Great Britain / 03.01.2024

..."Rather than pigeonholing practitioners of astrology into predefined categories, it’s more enlightening to celebrate what unites them. This unity offers valuable insights into astrology’s potential evolution. The prevailing perspective among astrologers resonates with the belief that the cosmos itself is sacred. This profound cosmic worldview sees the universe as an interconnected web of life where all elements synchronise and coexist in harmony. In this light, astrology naturally emerges as a framework for comprehending these intricate mechanisms.

Patrick Curry encourages us to revisit astrology’s origins as a divination practice and to grasp its essence as a physically embodied, socially embedded and ecologically rooted discipline. He argues that astrology has made compromises over time, adapting to various worldviews such as Aristotelian naturalism and Christian theology, ultimately losing touch with its divinatory nature. Curry suggests that the bid to gain mainstream acceptance has led astrology into an unnatural space, detached from its intrinsic essence. He posits that astrology, as a divinatory practice, can rekindle the enchantment of humanity by reminding us that our existence extends beyond the terrestrial realm, encompassing a cosmic dimension. Enchantment, in this context, refers to experiencing the world as profoundly meaningful, significant, and mysterious, including our own place within it.

The confluence of scientism with the ecological crisis, largely driven by human actions, has stripped the world of its enchantment, leaving us yearning for reconnection.

High or philosophical, astrology has languished in obscurity for centuries, yet the resurgence of astrology offers a glimmer of hope for its revival. While a complete return to high astrology may be improbable in our current secular society, the evidence suggests that astrology can provide a philosophical framework to make sense of the universe when science falls short in addressing the divine. Rather than viewing astrology as a mere parasite, leeching off other belief systems, this research indicates that for many respondents, astrology plays a central role, serving as the host and offering profound philosophical underpinnings.

Eccles’ vision of astrology as a vital component of a burgeoning neo-paganism is reinforced by this research. If neo-paganism evolves into a genuine religion or moral philosophy with a unique way of life, astrology stands poised to provide the symbolic and philosophical guidance it currently lacks. Thus, the potential for high astrology to be reborn, albeit in a modified form, becomes increasingly tangible, with its cosmic perspective resonating with individuals seeking deeper connections, meaning and a sense of belonging in our increasingly disenchanted world. While the roots of astrology’s resurgence may draw from diverse religious backgrounds, its growth appears most vibrant among those with denominational affiliations. However, this religiosity seems to slumber in a state of dormancy, tinged with growing dissatisfaction with traditional religious doctrines.:...


Potent New Moon in #Capricorn: #January 11, 2024 – #Transformative Change

..."The new moon in Capricorn will take place on January 11th. I strongly suggest you take this one seriously as it’s packed with potential. Outer planets are involved.
Specifically, the sun and moon will conjoin Pluto, while trining Uranus in Taurus. Look for deep and long-lasting transformative change.
exalted Mars in Capricorn, supported by Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus. Something is being built here.
Sun, Moon, Mars, Pluto in Capricorn, all tracking to ruler Saturn, which is supported by Mars and Jupiter. Seriously, for Godsakes, at least consider making a fundamental change for the positive. It can happen!

What you can’t do, is control what the PTB do. It will be something, that’s for sure. I doubt it’s nice!"...


enter image description here
The #Chaldean order and the seven metals:
#Saturn - #lead
#Jupiter - #tin
#Mars - #metal
#Sun - #gold
#Venus - #copper
#Mercury - mercury
#Moon - #silver

The #7 #metals Chaldean #Astrology Talisman
The power of this Talisman is the combination of metals. Every metal is connected and strengthen different qualities in the person, in accordance with its principle. The Chaldean order ties together, those qualities in a way that puts each quality in its right place in relation to the others, that way its power will express itself in its maximum and still maintain equilibrium with all the rest. This tying up and hierarchy creates an order that resonates with the order of those qualities and their manifestation in reality.



New Year 2024 and #Astrology Forecast December 31- January 6
By Leo Knighton Tallarico

..."#Mercury is right in step with that reality as it goes from Retrograde to Direct at 10:08 PM Eastern on January 1. 

And before that on December 30 #Jupiter goes from Retrograde to Direct.

After those two planets shift to Direct this week, there will be only 1 planet still Retrograde: #Uranus. And it will go back Direct on January 27, 2024. Then all planets are Direct and all systems are Go.

For now, however, it is important that Jupiter, and especially Mercury move forward this week.

Jupiter Direct in Taurus at 5+ degrees shows us that there is a strong stimulant for manifesting, making real, and holding onto what is solid and secure.

Dreaming wants to find a place of solidity in order to make Reality what wa only an inspiring idea previously.

So use this time to begin the process of manifesting your heart’s desires into reality.
This week after Jupiter and Mercury go Direct, Mars leaves fiery inspired Sagittarius and goes into grounded, manifesting, accomplishment oriented Capricorn on Wednesday January 3."...



Cat Ivins

..."#Saturn is still in #Pisces. Saturn is not strong in Pisces, but he is answering to a strong Neptune in Pisces which is a good thing. It can be challenging with Saturn in Pisces to build lasting things or feel totally stable. The roads are wet. The controls are slippery. It's not a time for stability. It's a time of change - Saturn in Pisces is kind of echoing/supporting Uranus in Taurus to me. We might think we fear change, but what we really fear is losing what we have. And that is perfectly logical. Nothing is designed to be permanent though. Change is inevitable. And if Aristotle is right and nature abhors a vacuum, and I think he mostly is, we can be assured empty spaces don't stay empty. This is why all the outer planets' transits - Neptune, Uranus and Pluto - speak of endings. It is important - and Jupiter in Taurus is supporting this - to focus on what we have/what we are discovering/uncovering and not on what we don't have/what we are losing. January is a perfect time for cleaning out. Emptying inboxes and drawers and shelves and calendars. Making space for the good stuff to find us.


Jupiter is in Taurus until late spring 2024 when he will move into Gemini. Jupiter will end 2023 direct in Taurus - stationing on December 30th at 5 degrees Taurus which is where we had that big Eclipse on October 28th. Once Jupiter stations direct he is on a collision course with Uranus - another HUGE aspect in April 2024. This is about BIG change/huge push into the future. Remember with Jupiter in Taurus - our luck/growth connects with our Taurus house theme, what we already own, our values, our skills, our existing resources, what feels comfortable.

Uranus in in Taurus, but only for one more year. His total upsetting of our values/money/resources almost complete. he has one more big trick up his sleeve. Yes, April's big meeting with Jupiter on April 20th! Where is 21 degrees Taurus in your natal chart? Do you have any planets or points at or very near 21 degrees that are opposing, squaring, trining or sextiling this degree? I will write alot about this in the 2024 posts coming next. Uranus ends 2023 retrograde and will station direct on January 26, 2024 when the future reaches back to pull us forward. Shocking change. This is just days after Pluto enters Aquarius and starts answering to Uranus. Mars and Mercury will be in Capricorn and very supportive of what is STARTING. This is also during the New Moon cycle at 20 degrees Cappy that takes us back to 'time runs out'. "...



By Narayana Montufar

..."A completely new era is afoot! In more ways than one, 2024 functions as a gigantic portal to a brand-new #epoch, as the three outer planets work in tandem to assist us in creating a new reality. In the second part of the year, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto will work together to elevate mass consciousness, anchoring the Age of #Aquarius. Technology and spirituality will assist this shift into a completely new paradigm that triumphs individuality and personal growth as more of us unplug from the oppressive mental matrix of capitalism.

Still, we must stay aware that for a brand-new epoch to be birthed, the old structures will, simultaneously, continue their process of collapsing, as they have been since 2021. With its thorough touch, master teacher Saturn continues this process as it remains in Pisces, being assisted by Jupiter in the Spring and Fall. The worlds of media and commerce, in particular, are set to change and evolve as Jupiter enters Gemini in May.

Jupiter has an epic meeting with Uranus in Taurus, which is bound to enliven the financial and real estate markets in the early Spring. According to mundane astrologer Jessica Adams, this combination could see some countries introduce universal basic income, a real estate buyer’s market, and huge personal profits for some.

At a personal level, the cardinal signs wrap up a fifteen-year cycle of transformation as Pluto ends its transit in Capricorn. The mutable signs are set to experience a few wake-up calls as the planet of illusion begins its retrograde at the critical degree of Pisces. Collectively, we all continue the work we began in the summer of 2023 as the Lunar Nodes of Destiny in Aries and Libra continue to end toxic and co-dependent relationships.

Luckily, we get the hardest part of the year out of the way by doing deep and personal growth between January and April. During these months, the Nodes activate Chiron in Aries, following up on a journey that we first walked at the beginning of 2023. Through spiritual, energetic, or psychological work, heal the area of your chart ruled by Aries and you can make 2024 a huge success!

Below are all the 2024 astrological aspects you need to know—from eclipses to retrogrades to major notable transits."...



#FullMoon in Cancer

"...the Full Moon in Cancer will illuminate the days following the stillness of the #Capricorn Solstice when light begins increasing within the prolonged night of the northern hemisphere, #Jupiter will possess an intensified presence due to stationing direct. Within the flowing cups of holiday cheer, the making of merry may bring fresh remembrance of vital vibrancy, the purpose and passion that nurtures perseverance and rallies resilience.

The Full Moon in Cancer on 26 December 2023 is in the exaltation of Jupiter, with the Moon mutually received by Jupiter in the exaltation of the Moon. Jupiter will station direct on 30 December at 5º34’ Taurus, amplifying the potency of setting intention as calendars flip from 2023 to 2024. With the Moon full of light in her own watery domicile applying to a harmonious sextile with Jupiter in her earthy exaltation of Taurus, the Cancer Full Moon will beam nourishing light into whatever forms of creativity, philosophy, spirituality, and devotional practices you are engaging. Jupiter has numerous significations that enrich life and fertilize growth, including fellowship, justice, prosperity, freedom, fidelity, generosity, charity, reverence, worship, understanding, authority and leadership. The coherence and affirmation brought by Jupiter will amplify the Moon’s capacity for reflecting upon our stories from 2023 and how they can inform the next chapters we wish to author in 2024.
Chiron will station direct at 15º27’ Aries on the same day as the lunation. With Chiron and Jupiter stationing direct within days of one another, the roses of received revelation will also have thorns of protection. Sometimes when Chiron takes on an intensified presence we experience buried wounds of body and psyche arising into sharp awareness. Listen for the messages of soul in the symptoms and how processes of healing may further link to changes in larger life direction that need to be made. Chiron is also the cave dwelling mentor whose wise counsel helps us bridge between our present reality and the vision we hold of a more fulfilling and purposeful life. Chiron is in position to guide the necessary modifications and readjustments that need to be made at the turn of the calendar year, including our daily routines and rituals around caring for the health of our body and mind.
As we are entering an extended period of collective volatility that will sweep across the rest of the decade, we will need to be actively co-creating community that can flexibly mutate in accordance with the changing societal dynamics. We will need to hold ourselves accountable to living in accordance with our ideals and values, as well as help those we are in relationship with be accountable. Yet responsibility starts with ourselves and the daily care and love we bring to our relationships and what we produce from them. May the light of the Cancer Full Moon illuminate those in our relationship field who we can form mutually supportive dynamics with, and may your year ahead be blessed with increased vitality and creativity."...



Cat Ivins

..."The Venus/Neptune will color the holiday week with compassion, nostalgia, LOVE. Having this aspect on Christmas is a true blessing. Things are slightly unfocused, giving everything a magical/mystical view. Boundaries dissolve. Forgive. Connect. Carry tissues.


With Mars trining the North Node at the same time, there is an opportunity here to take action toward what we want. To be more self-sustaining. Independent. True to ourselves. NEW.
With the Sun trining Jupiter - one of the best aspects in astrology and an Earth trine to boot, we will talk more about this in the Full Moon post next! - and coming off the Full Moon in the Moon's own sign - the ENERGY THIS WEEK IS HUGE. And moving in many directions at once. Doors open. The king and the king of the Gods are working together. Karmic knots are untangling and chickens are coming home to roost.
This is the last year in our lifetime where we will end the year with Pluto in Capricorn, where he has been since 2008. A way of life is ending. LONG cycles are closing out. Cappy energy has alot to do with keeping safe by acquiring/by having one voice (or following one voice). Aquarius is about finding ways - and, this is going to have ALOT to do with TECH - for all of us to have our own unique voices. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius we had the American and French revolutions.

What kind of revolution will the next 20 years bring?"...