

Another paper about Ultra Diffuse Galaxies, haven't read one of those in a while. I'm a bit disappointed that an ostensibly HI-based paper is actually all about optical scaling relations, and with only one HI-UDG detection there's really not much they can say about it. Still, the target field itself - a "supergroup" - is a pretty interesting place, with not many galaxies but somehow enough hot X-ray gas to strip the HI. That's not at all typical for groups this small.




The paper-reading binge continues. Here's one about a new way to detect if galaxies are experiencing ram pressure, or rather, an important validation of a model that seems to work surprisingly well. Now there are nicely resolved maps showing in convincingly consistent detail that the CII/FIR ratio really does work very well for this. Nothing revolutionary here, but curiously satisfying all the same.




Have to say that my new tablet makes reading papers an absolute joy - I've read five of the damn things in the last day alone. But more on that in due course.

Anyway, this one is about the mass of the Milky Way. The press releases run with the boring headlines about the Galaxy being less massive than from previous measurements, but that's not what's interesting. What's interesting is that this uses not only new data but a fundamentally better technique, and it points to the Milky Way being (in some ways) a genuinely unusual spiral galaxy. This always gets a lot of pushback from the anti-Standard Model crowd, who insist that the Milky Way must be typical and any attempt to invoke peculiarities when anything unexpected is found is somehow shifting the goalposts. Essentially they claim that everything is being fudged, that if something appears to contradict the prediction, we somehow revise out data so that the Milky Way is a special case, and not the typical example we should presume it to be.

And that's a legitimate concern : we don't want to risk dismissing the much more interesting prospect of finding something genuinely contradicting the model ! But to me at least, that's not what's being done. Absolutely, we should presume we're a typical spiral. But when data demonstrates unequivocally that this isn't the case, we have to account for this. To ignore our peculiarities would be every bit as bad as inventing them.




Webb Discovers Methane, Carbon Dioxide in Atmosphere of K2-18 b

In Nick Lane's Oxygen: The Molecule that Made the World, he talks about the importance of both methane and carbon dioxide and how they exist at the extremes of a complex metabolic oxidation-reduction cycle. Methane stores a lot of chemical energy in its C-H bonds which can be burned directly, or metabolized through repeat oxidation events to ultimately form CO2, which plants utilize with the help of the sun to form more CH bonds before ultimately breaking down into methane again. Hence, an exoplanet with both molecules in its atmosphere is a promising candidate in the search for life.

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At the limits of astrophysics – with Katy Clough

Ach kinners, ich weiss es doch auch nicht..... Manchmal macht das gehirn so sprünge und dann kommen fragen und vorstellungen raus....

Praktische probleme beim aufziehen von kindern in mikrogravitation oder schwerelosigkeit:

Schonmal versucht ein kind frisch zu wickeln das nicht auf der kommode liegen bleib sondern frei rumschweben kann?

Und .. wer hält die kotzrakete auf bevor sie in die lüftung gerät?

Fragen über fragen....

Wie komm ich darauf? Oh sorry:

The Royal Institute - At the limits of astrophysics – with Katy Clough


#Astrophysics #SpaceTime #Eltern #Schwerelosigkeit #Mikrogravitation #RandomShit ;)