

ZigzagDownLoader logo di ZDL

DCC ...reverse!

Some XDCC BOTs shield server ports using "reverse DCC". In particular, https://xdcc.eu provides countless links to files in all languages ​​of the world via the host server irc.scenep2p.net, which uses "reverse dcc".
Unfortunately, there are few programs capable of downloading files through this type of protocol. For example, #weechat is not capable of performing this type of download.

From now, ZigzagDownLoader can download via reverse DCC!

#zdl #bash #linux #cygwin #downloader #axel #wget #aria2 #gnu #free #freesoftware #softwarelibero #zigzag #zigzagdownloader #condividetevelo #sharing #streaming #hosting #filehosting #xdcc #dcc #irc #automazione #dccreverse #reversedcc


ZigzagDownLoader logo di ZDL

[en] New extension: HEXUPLOAD.net

The service hexupload.net
* does not impose any kind of wait on the user
* provides the source file, with the highest definition video / audio
* provides a very fast download, taking up most of the available bandwidth
* has a flaw of no real relevance: it allows the download of only one file at a time (which occurs at high speed)

ZDL recommends using hexupload if available for download

#zdl #bash #linux #cygwin #downloader #axel #wget #aria2 #gnu #free #freesoftware #softwarelibero #zigzag #zigzagdownloader #condividetevelo #sharing #streaming #hosting #filehosting #xdcc #dcc #irc #automazione #hexupload


ZigzagDownLoader logo di ZDL

[it] Nuova estensione: HEXUPLOAD.net

Il servizio hexupload.net
* non impone attese all'utente, di nessun tipo
* fornisce il file di origine, con la più alta definizione video/audio
* fornisce un download molto rapido, occupando gran parte della banda disponibile
* ha un difetto di nessuna reale rilevanza: consente lo scaricamento di un solo file alla volta (che avviene ad alta velocità)

ZDL consiglia di usare hexupload se disponibile al download

#zdl #bash #linux #cygwin #downloader #axel #wget #aria2 #gnu #free #freesoftware #softwarelibero #zigzag #zigzagdownloader #condividetevelo #sharing #streaming #hosting #filehosting #xdcc #dcc #irc #automazione #hexupload