

a side point in this makes me #consider....
"GeoEngineering" is the marketing respin term, language of the oppressor.

... Seems obvious now. After him pointing out it's not engineering.

all the terms #geoengineering #climatecooling #climateintervention #dcc #directclimatecooling #brightwater #bouyantflakes #cirruscloudthinning #cct #extremely dilutedaquaregiaaerosol #edara #fizztops #fiztops #iceshieldstothickenpolarice #IronSaltAerosol #ISA #MarineCloudBrightening #mcb #MirrorsForEarchsEnergyRebalancing #meer #OceanThermalEnergyConversion #Restoringnaturalupwellingfromtropicalttotemperatelatitudes #RestoringSoilAndVegetation #SeawaterAtomization #Seatomizers #StratosphericAerosolInjection (ding ding ding ding, there's a popular one you may have heard, already on your #chemtrail #bingo card) #sai #SurfaceAlbedoModification #sam #TitaniumOxideAerosol #toa #treeplantingandreflectivematerialsinurbanareas #woxon ... ample compelling nice sounding stuff mixed in with the nightmare stupid ecocidal stuff. ... hey, hey, quit complaining... obey... maybe they care. :/

engineering implies something more well calculated, and, has an assuring mislead to apply it to such complex systems. it evokes a dangerous overconfidence, in both ability and intent, in those perpetrating/deploying such interventions. This is an area we really needed "more eyes make all bugs shallow"...
...not to mention the rest of the: not being subject to polluting technlogies in the first place, nor being subject to the whims of the crooks who suppress the clean technologies that can emancipate us from their rentierism, wage slavery and debt traps and ploys to impoverish everybody back into overt neo-fuedalist global technarchy ...

... or



ZigzagDownLoader logo di ZDL

DCC ...reverse!

Some XDCC BOTs shield server ports using "reverse DCC". In particular, https://xdcc.eu provides countless links to files in all languages ​​of the world via the host server irc.scenep2p.net, which uses "reverse dcc".
Unfortunately, there are few programs capable of downloading files through this type of protocol. For example, #weechat is not capable of performing this type of download.

From now, ZigzagDownLoader can download via reverse DCC!

#zdl #bash #linux #cygwin #downloader #axel #wget #aria2 #gnu #free #freesoftware #softwarelibero #zigzag #zigzagdownloader #condividetevelo #sharing #streaming #hosting #filehosting #xdcc #dcc #irc #automazione #dccreverse #reversedcc


ZigzagDownLoader logo di ZDL

[en] New extension: HEXUPLOAD.net

The service hexupload.net
* does not impose any kind of wait on the user
* provides the source file, with the highest definition video / audio
* provides a very fast download, taking up most of the available bandwidth
* has a flaw of no real relevance: it allows the download of only one file at a time (which occurs at high speed)

ZDL recommends using hexupload if available for download

#zdl #bash #linux #cygwin #downloader #axel #wget #aria2 #gnu #free #freesoftware #softwarelibero #zigzag #zigzagdownloader #condividetevelo #sharing #streaming #hosting #filehosting #xdcc #dcc #irc #automazione #hexupload


ZigzagDownLoader logo di ZDL

[it] Nuova estensione: HEXUPLOAD.net

Il servizio hexupload.net
* non impone attese all'utente, di nessun tipo
* fornisce il file di origine, con la più alta definizione video/audio
* fornisce un download molto rapido, occupando gran parte della banda disponibile
* ha un difetto di nessuna reale rilevanza: consente lo scaricamento di un solo file alla volta (che avviene ad alta velocità)

ZDL consiglia di usare hexupload se disponibile al download

#zdl #bash #linux #cygwin #downloader #axel #wget #aria2 #gnu #free #freesoftware #softwarelibero #zigzag #zigzagdownloader #condividetevelo #sharing #streaming #hosting #filehosting #xdcc #dcc #irc #automazione #hexupload