

From tomorrow, the 21st of September 2023, the entirety of Nagorno-Karabakh will be governed under Azerbaijan's authority for the first time since 1991

In hindsight, Azerbaijan was able to bring #Artsakh into submission by reasonably limited military means in 2023, compared to the full-scale war of 2020. Truth be told, disarmament is best for both sides, and Nagorno-Karabakh returning to Azeri control has always only been a matter of time.

Although we would have prefered to see a diplomatic resolution to this conflict, the reality is that Artsakh would have never willingly given up its territory, except under the threat of military force.

From our perspective, the Azerbaijani armed forces showed a reasonable degree of restraint in their use of violence in yesterday's operation.

Our position has always been that Nagorno-Karabakh belongs to the Republic of Azerbaijan. However it should be noted that Armenians have a right to live in these lands, and their protection must be the primary issue on the agenda now. We hope that Russia and Azerbaijan will work together to ensure the safety of the civilian Armenian population.

Now that Nagorno-Karabakh has returned to Azerbaijani authority, this should be the end of Baku's military campaigns. They now own all the land that legally belongs to them, as recognized by international law.

If #Azerbaijan intends to be adventurous, and threatens military action against Armenia proper under the pretext of opening up the #Zangezur corridor, the whole world will see that #Baku cannot be trusted.

In this case, Iran and #Russia will certainly intervene, but we hope this scenario does not become a reality, as it will be devastating for the region.

#Nagorno #Karabakh


On September 6, 2023, Armenian medias reported that 1x of the military transport aircraft Il-76MD (carrying capacity 48 tons) of the Ministry of Defense of #Azerbaijan on September 5, 2023 delivered another military cargo from #Turkey to the Yevlakh air base and then returned to the Kala air base (Baku).

According to them, the plane flew to Turkey from #Baku on September 4.
A group of strike and reconnaissance drones (🇮🇱 #Elbit #Hermes 900, 🇹🇷 #Bayraktar TB2, 🇮🇱 #Heron, etc.) and AN-2 aircraft converted into #kamikaze #drones are stationed in #Yevlakh, 63 km SE from Ganja, 105 Km E of Armenian-Azeri de jure borders

#Armenia #Politics #StandWithArmenia


An AN-124-100 heavy transport took off from #Istanbul Airport this morning and landed at #Baku's Heydar #Aliyev Airport at 9 AM.

There was no information available about this flight, indicating the cargo's secrecy.

In the past three weeks, Silk Way Airlines' aircraft (Il-76TD, registration 4K-AZ40), known for transporting #weapons from #Israel to Azerbaijan, completed four flights, with two landing in #Gandzak (Ganja).

#Armenia #Azerbaujan #Armenia #Politics #Military


#Iran ambassador to Armenia in response to recent provocations from #Baku : violence is not going to solve any conflicts. But Iranian government will defend the national integrity of the #Armenia.

#Aliyev's regime is step by step pushing towards a full military confrontation with Armenia and there is a risk for Azerbaijan to start a full scale invasion of #Qarabaq and other parts of #Armenia.

سفیر ایران در ارمنستان به باکو هشدار داد: راه حل قهرآمیز جواب نمی دهد ، ما از تمامیت ارضی و حاکمیت ارمنستان دفاع می کنیم.


Azerbaijan has stopped all flights to Iran.

The news was announced unexpectedly for most people who had bought tickets and Azal airline has promised to fully refund all passengers in the coming days.

At the moment there is only one border in Nekhjavan open to public and it's possible that border may be the next to close by Azeri government.

#iran #Azerbaijan #AzaiAirlines #Tehran #Baku


In yet another high ranking visit, Israeli president travelled to #Baku to meet with Azerbaijan's dictator, #Aliyev.

During the meeting, the 2 agreed to increase economical and intelligence cooperation between the w nations "who share similar interests".

This is a response to Iran's president #Reisi visit to Syria a few weeks ago, but the main difference is that Iran is not bombing #Azerbaijan on a daily basis like #Israel does in #Syria.

#Polotics #Armenia


Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has announced that Armenia and Azerbaijan have reached an agreement to mutually recognize each other's territorial integrity, according to #TASS news agency.

Similarly, #Azerbaijani President Ilham #Aliyev stated that Azerbaijan has no territorial claims against #Armenia.

Leaders of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and #Russia aim to adopt at least two documents following the #Moscow summit, as reported by a #Kremlin source to "Kommersant" newspaper. The coordination of these documents occurred throughout May 24.

One document focused on unblocking transport communications, prepared by deputy prime ministers, while the foreign policy agencies of the three countries refined the fifth joint statement by Aliyev, #Pashinyan, and #Putin. (Most likely, there will be mutual recognition of territorial integrity between #Yerevan and #Baku based on #Soviet maps from 1975)

The Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not yet commented on this information.


In a sign os escalation, the Iranian ambassador to #Baku was stacked for failing to react to recent accusations by Azeri officials

He will be replaced by one of the hard-line "diplomat" from inner circle of #Reisi.
سفیر ایران در #باکو برکنار شد#

♦️بنابه گزارش منابع غیر رسمی سیدعباس موسوی سفیر جمهوری اسلامی # ایران در جمهوری #آذربایجان برکنار شده است .فعلا این خبر تائید و یا رد نمیشود.

#iran #azerbaijan #politics #armenia


#israel just opened a cyber command center in #azerbaijan

Israel is stepping up their support of Azeri dictatorship and focusing on using the country as a center north of Iran to "control" Iran and help preparing for their future planned military attack against Iranian facilities.

The Israeli ambassador to #baku was at the center when it was opened yesterday.

#Politics #Iran #CyberWaefare #Aliyec