

You can't make this stuff up. The incompetence of the #conservative government is legendary.

Asylum seekers moved off Bibby Stockholm #barge after #Legionella bacteria found

Asylum seekers are being removed from the Bibby Stockholm barge in Dorset after Legionella bacteria was found in the vessel's water system. All of those on board are likely to be taken to new accommodation as a precautionary measure. Legionella bacteria, which is commonly found in water, can cause a serious type of lung infection known as Legionnaires' disease. None of those on the barge have shown signs of having the disease.


#tories #UK #immigration #AsylumSeekers


I discovered another youtube channel i .... yeah love, so far.

I need to confess, i have a very soft spot in my heart for so called 'pleasure barges'. In lay mans terms, people living on a boat instead of a RV.

So i recently discovered, that there exists actually a whole culture around so called 'narrowboats' across lots of canals in united kingdom, which is just lovely and so chilled. And yeah, there are youtubers in between too.

So i put up a playlist of one of my new favorite channels, called:

Cruising The Cut

He made a whole youtube channel way back in 2015 about himself buying a narrowboat and start to live on it. Cruising the canals at times, having interesting encounters, giving interesting information and advice and lately even helping to scientifically compare the use of meaningful solar facilities and electric propulsion on the very limited rooftop space of these boats.

Have fun!

How I came to buy a narrowboat

#pleasure #barge #hausboot #narrowboat #uk #youtube #livingonwater #randomshit