

Mysterious #Portland | The #Sacred #Landscape & Legacy of Britain’s Masonic Isle | #Megalithomania

The Isle of Portland in #Dorset was known as the ‘Gibraltar of Wessex’, a giant wedge of layered limestones and flint famous for supplying stone for rebuilding London after the Great Fire. However, it is also a liminal place of supernatural occurrences, which has blended into the very fabric of the island with remarkable sacred geometry between its churches, chapels and landscape contours. Gary explains the mysteries in context with the latest research of intelligent energies and that the unique situation and fabric of the island is the cause of many of its mysteries. He also reveals why the #megalithic peoples built so many of their monuments on the high plateaux of the island.

Gary Biltcliffe is an international author, speaker and tour guide on Britain’s sacred sites and the hidden mysteries of earth energies. He is co-author of The Spine of Albion, The Power of Centre and The Spirit of Portland. His knowledge of ancient civilisations and the Freemasons have helped to reveal new discoveries on Portland that have stretched his beliefs to the very limits and inspired this new book on Britain’s Masonic Isle. https://belinusline.com/



In a now-deleted tweet, US state-funded VOA Farsi posted a photo of homeless people along with a quote from a Tehran Municipality official saying "we make people feel better".

The only problem was that the image was not from ziran, but Portland, OR in US.

Not that there are any homeless people on Iran, but this is absolutely pathetic of a state sponsored propaganda organization like #VOA!

#Iran #Propaganda #VOAFarsi #Tehran #Portland #Oregon #Homelessness #Failed #WTF


In Austria, the Government Pays to Repair Your Stuff
"Taking the “right to repair” one step further, a Viennese repair bonus is going national — and keeping thousands of items out of the junkyard

..Now a national repair bonus, which will kick off this April, will adopt the same approach focusing on E-waste, which is the fastest growing waste stream in the developed world. 83,000 tons of it land in Austrian landfills every year, of which only around 17 percent is recycled. The national repair bonus will subsidize 50 percent of repair costs for electronic and electrical equipment, capped at €200 per repair.

..The repair bonus model is gaining in popularity as a bridging measure. Both the German state of Thüringen and the city of Portland followed Vienna’s example with their own schemes in the spring of 2021. Eisenriegler, who has spent the better part of 30 years lobbying for sustainable solutions in Brussels, already sees the first signs of an EU-wide repair bonus. It is being discussed in connection with eco-social tax reforms, but he points out that the desired systemic change would make the repair bonus obsolete: “If we have a tax reform where labor is taxed less while resources become more expensive, we won’t be needing this crutch anymore.” "

#Austria #Germany #Portland #repair #eco-social #reform


#politik #mord #nazis #portland #usa

Neue rechte Gewalt in Portland: Die linke Aktivistin Brandy Knightly wurde von einem Rechtsextremen erschossen

  • Von Moritz Wichmann

Das linksliberale Portland ist um ein weiteres Kapitel rechter politischer Gewalt reicher - und die Behörden haben sich dabei nicht mit Ruhm bekleckert. Die Polizei in der Stadt an der US-Pazifikküste hatte zunächst eine Erzählung von linker Gewalt bedient, die nun durch das Handeln der Justiz deutlich geändert werden musste. Am Dienstag erhob die lokale Staatsanwaltschaft Anklage gegen Ben Smith wegen Mord und Totschlag mit einer Schusswaffe in mehreren Fällen. Der 43-Jährige hatte Samstagnacht auf mehrere Begleiter einer linken Demonstration geschossen und dabei die Aktivistin Brandy Knightly durch einen Kopfschuss getötet; die 60-jährige Frau verstarb am Tatort. Außerdem schoss Smith fünf weitere Frauen und Männer an, die zum Teil schwer verletzt wurden....
- https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1161601.brandy-knightly-neue-rechte-gewalt-in-portland.html


Tweet von Bernd Ulrich (@berndulrich) um 1. Juli, 23:41 In den Tiefgaragen von #Portland liegen auf der Flucht vor der Hitze übrigens nicht die Reichen, sondern jene Armen, in deren Namen immer Maßnahmen gegen die Klimakrise verhindert werden. #Klimawende kann sozial sein, #Klimakrise ist es nicht. Denkt drüber nach #Laschet #Scholz



Be safe, my US–based friends! Your president now even uses the fascists' "playbook" to get what he wants: An extension of his presidency, literally at all costs.

"Michael Steinberg, a professor of history at Brown University and the former president of the American Academy in Berlin, wrote to me this week:

“The American catastrophe seems to get worse every day, but the events in Portland have particularly alarmed me as a kind of strategic experiment for fascism. The playbook from the German fall of democracy in 1933 seems well in place, including rogue military factions, the destabilization of cities, etc.”


#trump #portland #USProtests #Segregation #Rascism #Fascism