

I'm not exactly #newhere but I lost my password on another pod and can't recover it.
I follow some tags but few that I'm interested in have any content. It's mostly that politics stuff that makes one sick if you read enough of it.
At least I can speak my mind here, but that's not going to win me many followers.
I like #linux and things to do with #computers. Was into classic #mopar for a while but there isn't much about #cars or #automobiles or #honda on here.
My favorite source of information about things I like is youtube, but that's one of the tech giants I try to avoid.
#mewe has a lot of heritate and history groups that I like.
I enjoyed Quora a lot for a while but the politics turned me away.
I like #photoediting of maps in particular using #kolourpaint. I wish I knew #gimp but that's just too much to learn.
I play #dominoes and could use some tips on how to win.
I have a bluebird #birdhouse that I built and it has turned out a lot of bluebird chicks.
I have used #linux for over 10 years now and have not really made any friends in that community.
Well, thanks for reading. More to come.