#Isley Jasper Isley--- #Caravan Of #Love
#Music on #Blue-Planetary-Hand
#MarvinIsley 8/18/1953 #Birth Bass guitarist ( #IsleyBrothers)
#Isley Jasper Isley--- #Caravan Of #Love
#Music on #Blue-Planetary-Hand
#MarvinIsley 8/18/1953 #Birth Bass guitarist ( #IsleyBrothers)
"This is our funny USA building in Humboldt County. Menthé and I built it in about 10 days.
We used old first-growth cedar for the frame and old yellow shakes for the roof. The timber is a mix between French and American techniques; the low wall in shingles and the high wall in colombage. The roof is curved like the ‘Philibert Delorme roof’; we didn’t use a lot of wood to make the curve because we screwed the inside of the plank on to the top of the curve, a cheap beautiful technique.
The upper little roof is where you can watch from the bedroom mezzanine — just for fun. The gypsy Dodge does not have a motor, so it needs to be moved with a tractor on the property. It’s a friend’s bedroom, 6 ft. high!!!!!!
how does #DNA work, they have no clue
they just made it all up, just to fool you
#Rebel With a Cause - #Dr Lee #Merritt. #Caravan to #Midnight with #JohnBWells
Warum ein teures Wohnmobil kaufen, wenn man seinen Kleinbus oder Kastenwagen auch selbst zu einem Campervan umbauen kann? Vanlife ist ein Lifestyle-Trend, der immer mehr Anhänger findet.#Reise #Vanlife #Camping #Europareise #Campingplätze #Caravan #DIY
Im Trend: Vanlife - Freiheit auf vier Rädern | DW | 01.09.2022
#music #jazz #bossanova #KenPeplowski #DiegoFigueiredo #caravan
when: 2021-04-17 Saturday
from: Trieste [IT]
to: Maljevac [HR]
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#migrants, #immigration, #borders, #Italia, #Slovenia, #Croazia,
*How to Make a Candle Heater.... *
The basic purpose of this heater is to capture the heat given off of a candle flame and to concentrate it into a steel and ceramic radiator assembly.After some time,the ceramic surface will act as a thermal mass and begin to radiate the captured thermal energy into your room or office.Here’s how describes it (image and description c/o
Heute beginnt in Düsseldorf die Camping und Caravanmesse.
Es werden 140 -170.000 Besucher erwartet.
Ich hätte da einen Vorschlag:
Wenn die 170.000 sich mal in die Zeltunterkünfte der Asylbewerber begeben, um dort ihren Campingurlaub genießen zu können, hätten wir eine Menge feste Unterkünfte frei für unser Mitmenschen, die auf Asyl warten.
#Asyl #Asylbewerber #Camping #Caravan #Wohnungen #Mitmenschen