

Irgendwann später, abseits gewohnter Taktung: Eigene Akkorde verklingen lassen. Kerzen löschen. Den Duft des Weihrauchs wahrnehmen, der in der Abendluft geöffneter Wohnzimmerfenster verfliegt. Gegenüber werden die Reste des Tages gefeiert, buntes Licht tastet über die Wände, gelegentlich zeichnen sich die Schatten bewegter Gestalten in bildlosen Raum. Also: Geschichten zu den Mustern erdenken. Manche wahr, manche erfunden, aber alle zutiefst ehrlich. Sterne über und unter den Dächern zählen. Farben spüren. Im Stehen schlafen, so kurz vor der neuen Woche. Have a calm night wherever you are.

#outerworld #concrete_city #borders_of_sleep #where_we_are_we_are

#concrete city #borders of sleep #where we are we are


Irgendwann bleibt dann auch von diesem Abend nicht mehr viel, außer, noch einmal an der Hintertür zu stehen, in die Dunkelheit zu starren und zu erahnen, wie hinter dem Rand der eigenen Wahrnehmung die Nacht von ihrem Leben erfüllt wird. Einsames Fahrzeug auf menschenleerer Straße. Schattenspiele der Laterne in windgestreichelten Bäumen. Lichtpunkte von Fenstern hinter der Wiese, vertraute Konstellationen und trotzdem ungewohnte Muster, Farben. Dazwischen das Rauschen des Bachs und die Stille, die ihn umgibt. Gläser geleert, die möglichen Gedanken ausgetauscht, die kritischen weitestgehend gemieden. Keine Fledermaus, kein Mond, hoffentlich Schlaf. Have a calm night wherever you are!

#outerworld #the_village_and_the_hills #borders_of_sleep #where_we_are_we_are

#the village and the hills #borders of sleep #where we are we are


Beyond 10pm again. Focus shifted, focus waning. Standing in front of windows that keep an indifferent city at distance. Wondering whether flats and rooms across have already changed once more within the wink of an eye, within the course of a couple of days but maybe neighbours are just more restless in their openly exhibited minimalism. Another sip of water, a deep breath, candles extinguished. Have a peaceful night wherever you are.

#outerworld #concrete_city #later_that_day_later_that_night #borders_of_sleep

#concrete city #later that day later that night #borders of sleep


Schließlich kehrt wieder Ruhe ein. Exkurs durch nächtliche Straßen, das Gefühl tiefen Herbstes, fallende Blätter, die vorsichtig über die eigene Peripherie streichen, vereinzelte Nachtgeschichten hinter erleuchteten Balkontüren, dann und wann das Glimmen einer Zigarette hinter eisernen Geländern. Wiederkehrende Prozesse, trotzdem ohne große Routine und immer wieder holprig und neu, etwa: Eigene Gedanken sortieren, den Stunden rückblickend eine Form geben, die sie in der Erinnerung behalten dürfen, und alles abstreifen, was daran stört, überflüssig ist, reibt. Klappern eigener Schlüssel, Tritte eigener Sohlen auf staubigen Treppen. Verzerrung von Nuancen, auf dem Weg durch müde Sinne. (Have a calm night wherever you are!)

#outerworld #concrete_city #later_that_day_later_that_night #borders_of_sleep

#concrete city #later that day later that night #borders of sleep


Wieder später. Die Gänse gingen mit dem Rest des Dorfes schlafen. Irgendwo fauchen Marder, dann bellen kurz die Hunde. Aber solche Aufregung verfliegt schnell wieder. Sterne hängen in Tanne und Esche. Vorsichtige Kälte tastet durch die Dunkelheit, der Abend duftet nach feuchtem Laub und Wäldern und Moos. Neue Bilder überlagern alte Bilder, in jedem kurzen Augenblick. (Grissini und Rotwein. Die Themen gehen nicht aus. Aber die Konzentration wird dünner mit dem verwehenden Tag. Auch heute. Have a quiet night wherever you are.)

#outerworld #the_village_and_the_hills #borders_of_sleep #between_day_and_night

#the village and the hills #borders of sleep #between day and night


10pm and on. Shaking off, brushing off the day. Watching the cat in stand-by on the couch, observing worlds (this one and maybe a multitude of unseen others) with poorly hidden lack of interest. Windows across the street are quiet again now, seems people either opted for sleep already - or exactly the opposite on that evening. Whatever individual ways of filling the dark hours one might be able to imagine. (Have a good night everyone, wherever you are!)

#outerworld #borders_of_sleep #the_darkness_of_cities

#borders of sleep #the darkness of cities


Closing in on 10pm. Different skies, different clouds, and all the phenomenons found between. There's still a certain brightness in everything, as if the city tries to preserve some late dusk to keep itself from falling asleep all too soon. Cars passing. Dogs barking. A neighbour returning home from work on an e-scooter, one of the few recent sightings of these in actual operation. Students across the street fixing electric devices on a messy kitchen table. Things to do, in just the right place. (Have a calm night wherever you are.)

#outerworld #concrete_city #later_that_day_later_that_night #borders_of_sleep

#concrete city #later that day later that night #borders of sleep


The End of Schengen

#Germany has finally bowed to the inevitable and will be bringing the era of free movement across #Europe to an end:

Germany will bring in controls on all its land #borders to deal with the ‘continuing burden’ of #migration and ‘Islamist #terrorism’, the country’s interior minister has told the #EU.

Nancy Faeser of the struggling Social Democrat party (SPD) has finally accepted that Germany has no choice but to enforce proper border controls if it has any hope of coping with the staggering amount of unauthorised entries.

According to German newspaper Bild, the new rules will see ‘harsh rejections of #migrants at the borders’.

Faeser has reportedly already informed the #EU #Commission of the decision, which is fuelled by deep-rooted panic over Germany’s current migrant situation and internal #security #threats.

I lived in #Europe pre-Schengen, and I won’t lie, it was really nice to be able to blitz right through the borders that used to take up to 45 minutes to get through. But what was convenient for day-trippers and tourists has been an absolute #nightmare due to the #criminals and #migrants who were also provided with easy and invisible movement throughout the #EuropeanUnion states and the non-EU #Schengen signees.

This has been coming for two or three years now; we’ve seen some of the big border infrastructure being built at the #borders of #France and #Spain, even though it isn’t being used yet. The police mostly use the toll booths as an ersatz border, but that only works for the highways.

#Brexit marked the beginning of the end for the EU, but the effective demise of Schengen marks another important step.


Closing in on 11pm. Lights already turned down, windows still open wide, hoping for a breeze to cool down the night prior to any dreams. Hard to find sleep when all attention is trying to focus on which of the many conversations out there belongs to which house, which terrace, which balcony. Shadowplay on dark walls. "All that you feel is tranquility." (Have a pleasant night everyone, wherever you are.)

#outerworld #concrete_city #later_that_day_later_that_night #borders_of_sleep

#concrete city #later that day later that night #borders of sleep


Dmitry Medvedev's Speech On Russia's Strategic Borders

#Dmitry #Medvedev 's #Speech On #Russia 's #Strategic #Borders

"One may not like Russia or even feel hostile towards its current policies and leadership.

But that should not hinder one to recognize and acknowledge how Russia is seeing itself and it defines its own role in the wider world.

The former Russian president Dimitry Medvedev is currently the deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia recently spoke about multiple definitions of borders."



... our current situation, is that the United States #government is aiding and abetting our own conquest, encouraging it and paying for it with forced #taxation and printed funds. I believe there is a legal means of refusing to pay taxes to the federal government, because they have refused to abide by their obligations to maintain #borders, ensure the welfare of the people and been woefully negligent in acting in the fiduciary interest of the American people. If we had an actual legal system instead of a corrupt means of punishment, that is.
To get that right, like all of the others, it seems as if we are going to have to demand it at a point of leverage that the American people seem unwilling to employ as yet. This is the break point. We are either going to pay for our own conquest, or we’re going to throw off these criminal masters and engage in either wholesale secession, #civilwar or a #counter-revolution to the bureaucratic dictatorship that has risen up and supplanted representation. Those are the simple choices. Nothing makes this more clear than the recent 1.2 trillion dollar spending bill recently passed, which was done in the face of popular opposition.

~ https://www.zerohedge.com/political/complacent-about-replacement



(Crossed that 10pm line again. Heavy eyelids, weights on the mind, that sensation of having dedicated all available energy to focus on the flow of the day and now gradually running out of both. It's these hours for books to derail into alternate stories, the passages of texts between the thinly printed lines. But most of these seem fragile and won't be visible anymore the very next morning.)

#outerworld #concrete_city #borders_of_sleep

#concrete city #borders of sleep


10pm and on again, already. Challenging oneself by attempting to keep a textual flow in messages, ending paragraphs in a way that matches how they started. Trivial tasks turn somewhat difficult reaching a certain level of sleepiness. Maybe there's a hint to take from that. (Or maybe not, who knows. Watching the sky instead to refocus. Tales and stories of distant stars.)

#outerworld #later_that_day_later_that_night #borders_of_sleep #city_nights

#later that day later that night #borders of sleep #city nights


Baltic countries to build defenses on Russian, Belarusian borders

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has sparked concerns that the Baltic states, which are among Moscow's biggest critics and Kyiv's staunchest allies since day one of the all-out war, could become the next target for aggression,

These fears are reinforced by Russian leader Vladimir Putin's repeated threats to NATO countries.


#BalticCountries #RussiaInvadedUkraine #WarCrimes #InternationalLaw #RussianAggression #Estonia #Latvia #Lithuania #borders #defenses #Belarus


Dann bleibt einmal mehr nur, die Lichter zu löschen und den Tag aus den offenen Fenstern zu treiben. Unten sind die Kinder noch erstaunlich wach, es wird gerannt und gekreischt, jede Menge überdrehter Müdigkeit schwingt mit in den kleinen Stimmen. Jenseits der Straße raucht man zu vielt auf dem Balkon, sicheres Anzeichen wärmer werdender Nächte. (Auch: Heimbüro und Küche haben etwas Ordnung gewonnen, genug, um die morgendlichen Automatismen nicht zu Fall zu bringen. Früher hätte man Stifte gespitzt und sauberes Papier zurechtgelegt, heute beschränkt sich die Wochengrenze auf einen vorsichtigen, kurzen Blick über Kalender, während ein leerer Bus an der Haltestelle zum Stehen kommt und die Fahrer ihre Schicht tauschen. Vermutlich ist es wieder an der Zeit...)

#outerworld #the_late_hours #sunday_evening #borders_of_sleep

#the late hours #sunday evening #borders of sleep