

In #Germany, people without #cash are currently starving in front of full supermarkets because the electronic #payment system has failed nationwide due to an expired #certificate.

#FirstWorldProblems at their best. And there are still weirdos who believe they will survive the end of the world with #Bitcoins when not even much simpler #technology runs smoothly.

enter image description here

#btc #fail #software #banksters #money #pay #supermarket #trade #economy #problem #security #finance #news


#Terra #Stablecoin Issuer Allowed #Crypto Whales to #Cash Out Ahead of #Collapse

source: https://thedeepdive.ca/terra-stablecoin-issuer-allowed-crypto-whales-to-cash-out-ahead-of-collapse/

Although the exact timing of the two transactions remains unknown, #cryptocurrency research company Elliptic found that they took place sometime between May 9 and May 10, when the price of UST traded at around 60 cents in secondary markets, and #bitcoin stood between $30,000 and $31,000. The data suggests that certain UST holders were able to exchange their tokens for the bitcoin offered by the Luna Foundation Guard at nearly face value, instead of taking steep loses on secondary markets like retail bag holders were forced to do.

#crime #fail #money #market #finance #news #capitalism


If physical currency is eliminated and all currency becomes intangible, digital currency, all market access will be controllable through the network of banks and payment processors.

This means that your market access control, your ability to buy food, fuel, travel and sell goods and services can be limited or switched off for punitive and control purposes. This is a significant risk to human freedom.

#digitalcurrency #digitalcurrencies #crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #currency #physicalcurrency #banks #banking #centralbank #markets #freemarket #freemarkets #freedom #humanfreedom #cash #exchange #payments #marketaccess #control #covid #covid19 #coronavirus #USA #subterfuge #UK #psyop #psyops #economy #money #monetaryreset #greatreset #wef #davos #schwab



Probably the smallest internet radio station in North East England - broadcasting from Sunderland to the Universe

Programme #232 first issued : 30 January 2022 ::::: Playing 24/7 all week

_Money, money, money....

01 : Lil' Nathan & The Zydeco Big Timers - L'Argent
02 : Jackie Mittoo - Wall Street
03 : Lee Perry - Money Come, Money Go
04 : The Voices Of East Harlem - Cashing In
05 : ...And The Native Hipsters - Flowers Are Machines As Well
06 : Bessie Smith - Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out
07 : Matana Roberts - How Much Would You Cost ?
08 : Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings - People Dont Get What They Deserve
09 : DeRobert & The Half Truths - Fallin' In Debt
10 : The O'Jays - For The Love Of Money
11 : Junior Byles - Fade Away
12 : Wreckless Eric - Take The Cash
13 : Gotan Project - El Capitalismo Foraneo
14 : John Lee Hooker - Money
15 : Karl Bryan & The Afrokats - Money Generator

Listen RIGHT NOW ! at : https://radiofrankensteininternational.weebly.com/

Shows are downloadable.

Want to carry the show on your station ? Contact via the above website....

Also available via Gingerfeather FM (Lancaster, England) online every night at 20:00 UK time.

#radio #radioshow #internetradio #onlineradio #music #musique #musik #música #muziek #Музыка #音楽 #音乐
#money #cash #debt #l'argent #zydeco #reggae #soul #blues #jazz #rock


I'll share a thought on the general topic of €€. Now I'm browsing the pages of german-way.com, a fine blog post collection of US-ians living as expats in German speaking areas of Europe.. about life, and living here. Amusing culture shocks included, and a few looks into mirrors. A good read. Thank you for linking there @Clarice Boomshakalaka Bouvier!

So, while we Germans were always reluctant to adapt credit or other cards in the first place, the pandemic years certainly helped push that idea. Cashless is king now (however local attempts like the Geldkarte sucked balls already 15 years ago, and never took off). To the point where normal banks, i.e. those that have both ATM and in-person service, are mostly gone (to be fair, that development started maybe a decade before, with branch closings). When I moved here there were 5 banks in easy walking distance. Now, just one is left, and its the one that requires the longest detour.

Essentially, my only convenient way to get cash now is at the supermarket. There, you pay by card, and withdraw cash while you're at it. "Ich möchte noch Bargeld abheben bitte" is what you say before taking out your card. Still we're slow at this too: technically, 20 years ago that was the way to go in the UK, called "cashback", and very common there but unbeknownst to continental Germans. Only the last few years changed that.

But abundance of the no-fee ATM has ended in Germany, so sometimes you take that extra trip to the supermarket in order to withdraw some cash. Seriously, we do that here, because fully cash-less doesn't work.

But. Supermarket cashiers only take girocards, tied to a "real" current account, for this. No credit cards, no fancy internet-only banking cards. No visa, no Amex, no Master card will get you cash. Inconvenient for some.

So, while waiting in line the other day, two American ladies probably younger that 30 waited behind me, giggling and fuzzing about how to reach the minimum purchase of 5€ to be allowed to use the cashback feature. They went for three Christmas-y chocolate santas and a gift box of eggnog in small bottles. But, the fancy internet-only newgen credit card she had wasn't accepted by the system, and the shop lady said "you cannot use a credit card for cashback, you'd need to..." and was cut off by the ladies leaving the till that very instant.

Just like that, gone, rushing past me while I was packing my things in a bag. They could have said "sorry, I didn't buy into your overly complicated scheme" or simply "Oh, I didn't know". Yes, Germany still is complicated and sometimes demanding.

#ramblings #cultureshock #cash #euro #girocard #alltag #supermarket


What are the best #cash #transfer apps for secure transactions in the USA? Is #Zelle worth considering?

My son is moving to an apartment with his friends and they need an easy way to share expenses. Nobody his age writes checks, it seems.


New CBS reality show exploits poor families by making them grovel for $101,000



It’s hard to imagine a network #executive didn’t get the idea for this show from the “Button, Button” episode of #The_Twilight_Zone. #The_Briefcase focuses on two #middleClass families—a questionable but highly #American take on the phrase, since both are #debt saddled, with one primary #breadwinner, and essentially living on the edge of #financial ruin. Both are told they’ll be participating in a #documentary about #money. Instead, a producer from the show unexpectedly comes to their house with a #suitcase full of cold, hard cash: $101,000 to be exact. That could be a #life-changing – and in the case of families so near the financial cliff, nearly #life-saving – sum of money. But this being #realityTV, instead of just #giving them the cash, there’s a major catch.


Both #families are informed that somewhere out there, there’s another #family “who’s also in need,” and are given a #choice: “You can keep all of the #money, you can keep some of the #money, or you can give it all away.” Neither family knows that the other family also has a suitcase full of #cash and is #debating how much, if any, they’ll #share. And since both families were originally told they were merely going to be the subjects of a documentary, neither of them really signed up for this exercise in televised #torture.

