

Molly White @molly0xfff@hachyderm.io is an amazing source of information on the crypto world.
Interested in what the some of the current state of the 'industry' is up to these days?
Trials, Scams, Bankruptcy
Check this out.
#Crypto #CryptoFails #MollyWhite
Citation Needed Issue 54


somehow i think that the crypto scam comes from the secret service to discredit this. who clicks on something like that? nobody does that. it's supposed to be annoying. #crypto #scam


I swear, these look like an advertisement for #crypto.

I'm taking a test every week until the holidays are safely over.

The guys I work with are sick as hell and not wearing masks. It's like I'm working in an emphysema unit. They are also hazmat certified, licensed, and should know better. They don't know it's killing the health of their immune system every time. Already lost one this year. They can take drugs to mask symptoms until they drop and they are carried away. And we have to interview more people to take their place.

Save lives and wear a mask. Stay safe if you can.



The Strange $55 Million #Saga of a #Netflix #Series You’ll Never See

source: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/22/business/carl-rinsch-netflix-conquest.html

Soon after he signed the contract, Mr. Rinsch’s behavior grew erratic, according to members of the show’s cast and crew, texts and emails reviewed by The New York Times, and court filings in a divorce case brought by his wife. He claimed to have discovered #Covid-19’s secret transmission mechanism and to be able to predict lightning strikes. He gambled a large chunk of the money from Netflix on the stock market and cryptocurrencies. He spent millions of dollars on a fleet of Rolls-Royces, furniture and designer clothing.

Mr. #Rinsch and Netflix are now locked in a confidential arbitration proceeding initiated by Mr. Rinsch, who claims the company breached their contract and owes him at least $14 million in damages. Netflix has denied owing Mr. Rinsch anything and has called his demands a shakedown.

#47Ronin #movie #entertainment #money #finance #problem #conspiracy #fail #business #crypto #covid #health #Hollywood #streaming #epic #story


Can We Please Stop The Crypto Investor Madness Now

For years, people involved in cryptocurrencies, whether in companies providing products and services or groups and individuals heavily promoting them, have waved away criticism. It was only a few bad actors. Things would prove themselves out. Those who didn’t jump in would be shown as losers.

Given the number of outrageous outcomes and events over the last few years, it’s time enough to question whether the whole idea of a completely decentralized digital form of exchange is sensible. It isn’t currency in the classical sense of the characteristics it needs. As an investment, it’s been wild speculation. And some of the people in charge of important mechanisms (taunting the claim of decentralization) have proven themselves untrustworthy.

#bitcoin #crypto #litecoin #ethereum #Forbes #news