

Canadian Truckers and Truckers the world over have shown the political power of logistics in human hands.

This is why it is very important not to permit the #elites to replace human logistics with robotics and AI.

If there were no Truckers and all trucks were self-driving, we'd all be facing a much greater challenge resisting politico-medical #tyranny.

#logistics #truckers #robotics #ai #selfdrivingcars #selfdrivingvehicles #economics #plutocracy #politics #politicalpower #selfdrivingtrucks #canadiantruckers #freedomconvoy #freedomconvoy2022 #humanrights #bodilyintegrity #medicalchoice #UK #righttorefuse #genevaconvention #UDHR #ICCPR #commonlaw #USA #coercionisnotconsent #propaganda #appliedpsychology #humanfreedom


If physical currency is eliminated and all currency becomes intangible, digital currency, all market access will be controllable through the network of banks and payment processors.

This means that your market access control, your ability to buy food, fuel, travel and sell goods and services can be limited or switched off for punitive and control purposes. This is a significant risk to human freedom.

#digitalcurrency #digitalcurrencies #crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #currency #physicalcurrency #banks #banking #centralbank #markets #freemarket #freemarkets #freedom #humanfreedom #cash #exchange #payments #marketaccess #control #covid #covid19 #coronavirus #USA #subterfuge #UK #psyop #psyops #economy #money #monetaryreset #greatreset #wef #davos #schwab