

How to Customize Firefox’s User Interface With userChrome.css

Here are some resources to get you started:

Sample Tweaks from userChrome.org: A short list of interesting tweaks that demonstrate the power of userChrome.css.

Classic CSS Tweaks: A repository of userChrome.css tweaks from the author of the Classic Theme Restorer extension, which no longer functions on Firefox Quantum.

userChrome Tweaks: A collection of interesting Firefox tweaks.

FirefoxCSS on Reddit: This subreddit is a community for discussing tweaks. You can search the subreddit to find other people’s tweaks, see what people are sharing, and even ask for input if you can’t find a tweak you really want.

Guide to Editing Your Context Menu: Instructions for removing items from Firefox’s context menu and changing their order in the list, taken from the FirefoxCSS subreddit.

#Firefox #css #tweaks #chrome