14.07 #blood type
15.48 #frankencense and #asthma
16.22 dr sebi
17.19 #borax
18.19 #cloves most powerful #herb
20.21 fix your gut
21.51 #dementia
23.03 #glasses not good
26.22 trudo challenged
26.53 Impeach for treason
27.56 signs of #government
28.57 national #fraud
29.28 murdering #dogs
30.30 #prison #state
32.01 #psycological #power
33.31 that is embaresing
34.39 #subconcious #mind
38.00 hitler to the youth
42.10 unity
43.30 Joe Rogan #Canada Justin Trudeau
44.10 look at the shadows
44.29 sex not on #birth cert
45.16 sexulization of children
46.04 work npcs
47.20 is invisability real
48.10 NHS REMOVES Covid #Vaccine From childhood Vaccine Schedule
49.19 mobile phone emf
50.14 the #truth
51.33 manefestation tech