

Another good doctor... in the mental health department (speaking of the chorus of #dementia watchers).
Dr. MaryTrump, in fact, the sane Trump (and a psychologist), the only actual voice of #Truth in that family!

Today: 10 MAGA Fails You Missed? Donald did WHAT in front of the jury?

Republican J.D. Vance caught on LIVE TV… Donald’s lawyers ask to quit… Lindsey Graham’s phone hacked… Steve Bannon’s trial delayed for the BEST possible reason… and I saved the BEST for last: a BIG LOSS for MAGA in Arizona!

#TrumpVirus #DonSnorleone #psychopathology #dementia - "Perfect, really"


Jen Psaki:

"For those sweating Biden’s age and whether he is up to the job... What do you think about this?"

To borrow a phrase (from literature this time, as opposed to Mein Kampf).... "My beautiful mind".
He's so #cognitive. A stable genius. ("Neigh!" - say the residents of the stable 🐴)

#cognitive #dysfunction #psycohopathology #WordSalad #BrainSpurs #dementia #TBI ... plus, Long #TrumpVirus


And a heart-felt "Fuck you" to everyone who told me in 2016 that I was overreacting. Yes, that's a meme. I don't care. I feel it in my bones. I cried the night they called that election for Trump. I cried myself to sleep.

"I told you so" is too gentle, too subtle.

'Dr. John Gartner on a tale of two brains: "Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing" '


#USPol #Trump #Fascism #Dementia #authoritarianism #evil




14.07 #blood type
15.48 #frankencense and #asthma
16.22 dr sebi
17.19 #borax
18.19 #cloves most powerful #herb
20.21 fix your gut
21.51 #dementia
23.03 #glasses not good
26.22 trudo challenged
26.53 Impeach for treason
27.56 signs of #government
28.57 national #fraud
29.28 murdering #dogs
30.30 #prison #state
32.01 #psycological #power
33.31 that is embaresing
34.39 #subconcious #mind
38.00 hitler to the youth
42.10 unity
43.30 Joe Rogan #Canada Justin Trudeau
44.10 look at the shadows
44.29 sex not on #birth cert
45.16 sexulization of children
46.04 work npcs
47.20 is invisability real
48.10 NHS REMOVES Covid #Vaccine From childhood Vaccine Schedule
49.19 mobile phone emf
50.14 the #truth
51.33 manefestation tech


Republicans and other fascists consistently accuse others of that which they are guilty. For example, FTA: The 77-year-old Trump has constantly dismissed the 80-year-old President Joe Biden, whom he refers to as “Sleepy Joe,” as being too old and cognitively impaired to be president. But it’s more like projection.

And yet there is persistent and compelling evidence that Trump is profoundly mentally ill. Think: Malignant narcissist and psychopath with Alzheihmer's Disease.

Or in layman's terms: Hitler with dementia.

What would Hitler with dementia do? (Bumper sticker opportunity here: WWHWDD)

Answer: Exactly what Trump has been doing since 2016 or earlier.

Donald Trump boasts of support from Hannibal Lecter at campaign rally! This isn't a joke

#Trump #Dementia #Fascism



"Trump was speaking at a prayer summit when he, in his concluding remarks, warned Americans away from following Biden into "World War II."

'Mental decline': Trump mocked by Republicans over 'World War II' slip

The account for Republicans Against Trump, a group for "pro-democracy conservatives Republicans fighting Trump & Trumpism," said, "Donald Trump is warning America that 'Cognitively impaired' Biden will lead us into 'World War Two' if re-elected. You can’t make this sh-t up."

Simply amazing... he is still chuffed/bragging about how 'perfect' he was on an "IQ test", and so he challenges his erstwhile opponent to take the same test.

Spoiler: It's not an "IQ" test he took but a basic screening for basic brain/cognitive functioning, orientation to reality x4 ...
He was "terrific". Perfect really. None of the doctors, all those doctors. "Nobody could believe it!" So smart. A stable genius. 🐴 (neigh!)

#TrumpVirus #psychopathology #IQ #cognition #cognitive #Donny #dementia #thinking #truth


Could the Internet Actually Be Good for Your Brain? Regular internet users over age 50 were half as likely to later develop dementia as non-users, a recent study found

Close view of some keys on an Apple Mac keyboard
Yes, I know studies can prove and also disprove anything, so some time and additional studies would need to tell if this really has any benefit. It may also be dependent upon what you actually do on the Internet, as just watching movies may be the same as watching a TV channel. Also, “more” may not mean that 16 hours per day is going to better.

The study was conducted by researchers from New York University. They analyzed data from the Health and Retirement Study, a government-funded project that has tracked the wellbeing of a representative sample of older Americans via surveys conducted every two years.

The team focused on nearly 18,000 adults over 50 who were dementia-free at the start of the study and were followed for up to 17 years. They then divided the participants into two groups, based on whether they said they regularly used the internet in their initial survey. Another questionnaire assessed people’s cognition, which the researchers used as a measure for dementia status.

The authors found that regular internet users were half as likely to meet the criteria for dementia than those who reported no use at baseline, even after accounting for other factors like their pre-existing health.

The authors say their analysis is the longest of its kind to examine this possible relationship.

See https://gizmodo.com/internet-use-dementia-risk-hours-online-brain-health-1850405066
#Blog, #dementia, #health, #technology


On #dementia TikTok, family caregivers find support and bring the disease to light


On TikTok, the hashtag "dementia" has 3 billion views. Caregivers of people with Alzheimer's and other dementias have been using the site to swap tips and share the burdens of life with dementia.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2