

A quotation from Russell, Bertrand

But so long as men are not trained to withhold judgment in the absence of evidence, they will be led astray by cocksure prophets, and it is likely that their leaders will be either ignorant fanatics or dishonest charlatans. To endure uncertainty is difficult, but so are most of the other virtues. For the learning of every virtue there is an appropriate discipline, and for the learning of suspended judgment the best discipline is philosophy.

Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) English mathematician and philosopher
“Philosophy for Laymen,” Universities Quarterly (1946-11)

#quote #quotes #quotation #ambiguity #belief #fraud #uncertainty #judgment #charlatan #evidence #fanaticism #gullibility #philosophy #proof
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/russell-bertrand/69738/




There are mounting concerns regarding this decades long International Government fraud and its very close links to a huge child trafficking network and our Politicians.

You will see from this video that the #SWIFT #financial #system is now expediting a migration to #digital #currency, moving us closer to a #cashless #Society.

This cannot happen and now imminently risks enslaving the public into a criminal network heavily linked to child trafficking.

Despite being a former Police Officer and contacting numerous organisations and almost 650 Members of Parliament, none are responding as they should, if at all. This is only highlighting the concerns even further.

I urge you to increase the pressure on your local councils and our national Government to address this as a matter of urgency. It really is the cause of most of the problems on the planet.

These people are appearing to be an increasingly imminent and serious risk to us all, particularly if cash is removed from society as appears to be their intention. This may mean we cannot withhold tax as a peaceful form of protest to any criminality they are involved in.


Trump's crimes are not "victimless". White collar-crime victimizes more people than blue-collar crime. It's just less obvious. (We are all victims of white collar crime; only some of us are victims of blue collar crime.)

But the people in charge (who make their livings by committing white collar crimes) don't want you to know that -- most of all Trump, who delights in killing as many as people as necessary to boost his profits and ego.

Jon Stewart breaks down what a fraud Trump is

#Trump #Fraud #JonStuart



Travolta’s Pilots Charged With Embezzling Almost $800,000

A gutsy and ultimately unsuccessful attempt to rob actor John Travolta

Two pilots are charged with embezzling close to $800,000 from actor/pilot John Travolta’s production company. The Marion County (Florida) Sheriff’s Department confirmed to AVweb that Jean Paul Lacruz-Romero is in custody. Local news outlets have reported that Lacruz-Romero is charged with organized fraud, grand theft and money laundering. The second pilot, identified as Jorden David Coursey, is being sought for similar charges. Both have since been terminated by Constellation Productions, which lists Travolta as president.

#AVweb #aviation #aircraft #fraud #news #JohnTravolta


Man, this kind of stuff is pretty rancid. Not a Florida thing, but sounds like something I have read about happening over and over again.
Lax regulation of Non profits, a useless board ignoring red flags. "We had No Idea". Yeah, when the founder is on the board, controls the accounting company doing 'audits', and the companies providing other services...
And a bunch of special needs people whose future was supposed to be taken care of, now at the mercy of bankruptcy court. Interestingly though the trust fund operated as a loophole in medicaid rules about means testing.
#Fraud #KleptoCEO
The founder of a St. Pete trust fund is accused of taking $100 million



#ceylon #news
Madeleine McCann links to decades long #Government #fraud?
14.39 illegals vertigo politicx
22.34 illegals. force convert
23.34 israel usa traitors
23.55 israel. stop blaming
24.10 dew dragon fire
24.33 whistle blower murded
26.46 boing whistle blower dead
29.03 they need to feed hahahaha
39.17 gatorade acid
30.12 the devils piss fluoride
31.50 estrogen gay bomb
34.28 distopian society
34.49 disney co chair
37.24 disney paid to put chemtrails in the sky
38.55 chemtrails dubai
39.26 commet eclipse
40.39 council criminals
41.57 council tax court again
44.17 fiscal illusion
46.05 chicken factory burned
46.20 15 min apartment for 15 min cities
46.44 camps for illegals
47.45 blue beam in action
48.14 where are they disapearing to
49.14 ready for change
50.31 whats your problem
51.05 wow
51.18 141 years old