

American cops are using #AI to draft #police reports, and the #ACLU isn't happy

source: https://www.theregister.com/2024/12/12/aclu_ai_police_report/

"Police reports play a crucial role in our #justice #system," ACLU speech, privacy and #technology senior #policy analyst and #report author Jay Stanley wrote. "Concerns include the unreliability and biased nature of AI, evidentiary and memory issues when officers resort to this technology, and issues around #transparency.

#problem #news #future #dystopia #robocop #ethics #crime #court #prison #usa


Former Syrian #Prison Official Charged with #Torture

Source: https://www.justice.gov/usao-cdca/pr/former-syrian-prison-official-charged-torture

In that role, #Alsheikh allegedly ordered subordinates to inflict and was sometimes personally involved in inflicting severe physical and mental #pain and suffering on political and other prisoners.

Isn't that exciting? The American #justice #system knows exactly what torture is and can even convict foreigners for it. Unfortunately, it is blind with its own #military or with the #CIA, or can someone explain to me why nobody was punished for #Guantanamo? #Bush admitted to ordering torture after #911 and is still walking around free. This is not only a disgrace to the #legal system but also totally undemocratic, because in a #democracy all people must be equal before the #law.

#usa #Syria #humanrights #fail #problem #politics #scandal #ethics #humanity #doj #government #crime #news #Manning #Assange


C’est quand même fou cette histoire quand on sait qu’une condamnation à perpétuité correspond officiellement à 30 ans... Plus de 40 ans pour complicité de tentative !! Et la Le Pen qui ose chipoter...

La libération de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah suspendue par un appel du Parquet national antiterroriste

Le tribunal d’application des peines a ordonné, vendredi, la libération du prisonnier pour terrorisme, condamné à la réclusion à perpétuité. Détenu depuis quarante ans, le Libanais Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, 73 ans, devra attendre une décision en appel.

#palestine #prison



Avons-nous basculé dans un monde où les #activistes #écologistes sont traités comme des criminels ?
C’est la question que l’on peut se poser alors que ces derniers mois de nouveaux caps ont été franchi. De plus en plus de #militants qui alertent sur la destruction de notre planète se retrouvent derrière les barreaux. Dans le même temps, les effets du réchauffement climatique et de l'extinction de la biodiversité sont de plus en plus violents et concrets. Les Etats ne sont toujours pas à la hauteur de l’urgence et les criminels climatiques continuent tranquillement leurs vies, sans être inquiétés.
#Paul-Watson, militant écologiste, fondateur de #Sea-Sheperd, est devenu le symbole de ce monde inversé et de la criminalisation des activistes. Il est en #prison depuis plus de 100 jours pour s’être battu pour sauver les baleines des harpons japonais. Le capitaine de 73 ans risque 15 ans de prison s’il est extradé au Japon. Depuis le 21 juillet, les audiences se multiplient sans que jamais il ne soit relâché. La 5ème aura lieu le 13 novembre

De plus en plus d’ONGs, de scientifiques et de personnalités dénoncent la r#épression grandissante à l’encontre des activistes climatiques. Les gouvernements qui se disent démocratiques font subir une escalade #autoritaire aux militants #climat que ce soit en #France, en #Allemagne, au #Royaume-Uni, en #Italie, en #Australie ou aux #États-Unis.
Alors comment expliquer cette escalade ? Comment se traduit-elle ? Et que raconte-t-elle ?


Today in Labor History September 12, 1918: Eugene V. Debs, Labor leader and socialist, was sentenced to 10 years, under the Sedition Act, for opposing World War I. While in jail he received one million votes for president. In the late 1800s, he led several railroad strikes and helped found the American Railway Union. In 1905, he cofounded the IWW, along with Big Bill Haywood, Mother Jones, Lucy Parsons, James Connolly, and others. He ran for president as a socialist five times in his life.


Source: https://kolektiva.social/@MikeDunnAuthor/113124903070477469


these surely are the guys you want to give control over all your communication ...

#musk #prison #brazil

wrote the following post Sat, 31 Aug 2024 22:04:02 +0200

Fabrice Epelboin sur X : "Musk annonce la publication prochaine de leaks en provenance des archives de Twitter montrant la façon dont la Justice brésilienne a interféré dans les élections en censurant le camp politique du président en exercice. On aurait tort de qualifier à la va-vite tout cela de" / X

#politique #Brésil im https://x.com/epelboin/status/1829796148208431591


British #climate protesters who plotted highway shutdown given record harsh #prison sentences

Source: https://apnews.com/article/britain-climate-protesters-record-prison-sentences-7b8b7e56a4611ccfdf4896edf9ea2c67

“The plain fact is that each of you some time ago has crossed the line from concerned campaigner to fanatic,” Hehir told the group. “You have appointed yourselves as sole arbiters of what should be done about climate change.”

#court #law #protest #uk #politics #fail #Problem #activism #future #humanity #justice #news



The spiritism religions of South America include ideas of astral cities which are rather like earth and have structures and activities like earth. People who do astral traveling report all kinds of structure, hierarchy, etc.

Once one accepts that these accounts may be more than singular imaginings and point to a finer BUT material construction, then one questions WHY this whole HUGE creation (?) looks like earth or we look like it. #WHY #SUFFERING!!!!

I did not make up the following but it makes sense and makes for questions I want the answers for......

#Earth as a #school makes little sense if you cannot recall what you already learned. So, WHY do we forget?

Earth as a #prison makes no sense at all if you are being punished for events you cannot recall.

Earth as a #farm makes sense.

As above so below?

BELOW, it is acceptable to manipulate others.
It is acceptable to use others energy.
It is acceptable to use MIGHT (force, power) 0ver right.

We are born into #trauma. We are #damaged by our exposure to #poisonous mind/body/soul #assaults. We are pitted against the rest of us #traumatized #beings in a #world of " #scarcity" where we literally BUY our debt and can never be free of it UNLESS we leave "society".

It looked like the deaths we will face would release us, I thought. I AM NOT SURE ANY LONGER WHAT IS true and #how should we face these issues?

MY personal take is that I feel a relationship with a power greater than I am who HELPS me. I have had interesting experiences with knowing things but the knowings are NOT academic or wordy or educational. There is a sense of well being and protection. There is NO info to share. THERE IS energy of positive nature to extend. There is emotional healing. There is insight on a feeling level I translate.

Others have much mental/spirit INFORMATION from some "other" realm. They GO somewhere and it seems an established "place" and others GO there too? The glimpses I have heard reported have some serious holes of incongruity that need clearing up for me.

For instance, why DO people (including Edgar Cayce) share there are discrete "Libraries" where beings "go" to learn things (so there is not any OMNISCIENCE). People are sometimes FORCED to return in NDEs.(Free will?). People report needing to go through further "learning" to get close to "God"(and others say you cannot from where they re situated reach God). IS not God OMNIPRESENT?

God as Omnipotent made it all but we don't get to be there as we cannot handle it?

Here on earth events indicate the " #technocratic world" life is OBVIOUSLY becoming #insufferable. We are placed in tracks (like educational/work) which are dependent on other tracks to function in a convoluted system that is apparently VERY entrenched in a HUGE realm where we cannot reach the "boss". Does it end?

AS above so below is feeling oppressively like we are in a farmed, controlled, imprisoning trap that will not end until we can stand up and spit it out. That takes some major stand alone ability. Can we?

We are told to stand for ideals then I learn the lies and tricks in every corner mean we are in a circular arrangement, a wheel. There are also wheels within wheels. You do not know who/what you REALLY supporting BECAUSE we cannot suss when we cannot read others intentions.

This "knowing" that I have is all I can go on and it feels like I have a spherical beingness (and it is not a human or any form... much like a space of contained charge) which is held in an energy WAY greater than possible to imagine BUT real and present and personal. Since everything I can think is part of the spin, I can observe everything as equally unimportant in the big picture. Even what I am writing here is a spin. PARADOX rules. The point is to be observational and curious about what is interesting IMO>

My plan is when I die to already be well established in focus on staying in this space with the Unknown god. Maybe I am just deluded but every day I affirm my relationship to ORIGINAL source energy of an Unknown yet energetically tangible nature, I feel more certain and it reveals info confirming itself. That is tricky. Therefore, I have to be comfortable with allowing ambiguity. I am IN a zone of singular protection because I requested it. Everyone can choose whatever they wish. The realest thing IMO we can know is that we have an observing "I am". Maybe I am wrong every where else.

What appears IN DAILY life is positive. Since I actually FEEL connected, I am not looking for help. IMO the spin being promulgated by demiurge energies, who may own EVERYTHING MATERIAL (nonphysical included) will NOT do me in.

This is all mysterious. I am still wondering why I feel this sense of Presence that communicates as if it is in my physical "universe" through feelings of energy and that life is easier and richer without any particular effort. This seems great though isolated. I want others to have this ease and to escape any "traps".


British children in prisons

A 13-year-old girl is due to appear at Basingstoke magistrates court on Tuesday to face a charge of violent disorder over a protest in Aldershot, Hampshire Police said.

The teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is from Aldershot. It comes after reports of disorder outside Potters International Hotel on 31 July. A 40-year-old man, Steven Tiquin, will also appear at the court charged with assaulting police officers.

In Northern Ireland, an 11-year-old boy has been charged with rioting and throwing petrol bombs and will appear at Belfast youth court on 6 September.

The milestone of 1,000 arrests in relation to the recent disorder is expected to be reached imminently. So far, 975 people have been arrested and 546 charged, the National Police Chiefs’ Council said on Monday.


#uk #britain #england #children #childhood in #prison for #dictatorship of #deepstate #capitalism #imperialism against #human-rights


Violences de surveillants contre des personnes détenues : pour une condamnation, combien d’affaires ignorées ?

Une agente pénitentiaire a été condamnée, le 29 juillet 2024, à huit mois de prison avec sursis et une interdiction d’exercer pendant deux ans pour des violences contre une personne détenue à la prison de Villefranche-sur-Saône. Un jugement qui repose largement sur un élément de preuve rarissime : une vidéo filmée depuis une cellule voisine.

« Très heureusement, il y a cette vidéo filmée par un détenu ! » Cette exclamation, dans la bouche de la procureure, résume bien le paradoxe du procès qui se tenait le 29 juillet au tribunal de Villefranche-sur-Saône, en présence de l’Observatoire international des prisons (OIP). C’est une vidéo illégale, la détention d’un téléphone portable étant interdite en prison, qui a permis de documenter la violente agression dont a été victime Monsieur C., le 28 janvier, dans une cour de promenade du centre pénitentiaire de Villefranche-sur-Saône [1]. Sans cette preuve irréfutable, qui a largement circulé et entraîné l’ouverture d’une enquête par le parquet, que serait-il arrivé ?


#prison #violence


#Why the urgency?
Well, in recent months #RobertPickton was #murdered in #prison coincidently when he was about to "sing like a bird" and #reveal #truths about the Pickton #coverup. Unacceptable Canadian Girl is working hard to #expose the #secrets of this #mystery, and bring the #truth to the Canadian #people.
#Canada #Evil #elite gatherings at the pig farm
#satanic #death #cult in action
the demons are all about creating hell on earth !

29,000 missing people every year in BC #starnet
people continue to go missing ?
#snuff #movies streamed live on the #internet

will the people ever wake up ?

amazing research wow they really have no shame !

they are running the whole world via governments , big business,
law, agencies, religions and military.

yet the people let this just carry on

they are few we are many

time is ticking
