

Russian POWs on their capture in Kursk Oblast: Commanders just disappeared

Their experience of the first days of the Ukrainian incursion shares common themes

  • Chaotic communication
  • Commanders disappearing
  • Total lack of preparedness

On Aug. 6 our outpost was hit by three rockets, which we later found out were HIMARS, said Nikolai. “Two rockets hit the command center, killing two conscripts and two officers. Another rocket landed close to our dugout, collapsing it partially, making it unsuitable for further shelter.”

All of the POWs interviewed by the Kyiv Independent said that they were surprised at the treatment they received in captivity, which went against Russian propaganda narratives saying they would be tortured or killed.

According to the deputy head of the facility, the POWs receive meals three times a day and tea twice, though the lack of a cigarette ration can be painful for them.


#Kursk #POWs #Russian #conscripts #Ukraine



#Ukraine: #Pacifism is not a #crime in democratic states! Drop the charge against Yurii Sheliazhenko


We are all shocked that the Security Service of Ukraine broke into the apartment of Yurii Sheliazhenko yesterday, August 3rd 2023, and conducted an illegal search and seizure operation, finding nothing criminal and taking his phone, his computer, as well as some documents of the #Ukrainian #Pacifist Movement. We strongly protest about the harassment of Yurii Sheliazhenko, who is summoned to interrogation on August 7th, 8th and 9th 2023.

We remind the Ukrainian government that #pacifism is not a crime in democratic states. We demand that the charge against Yurii Sheliazhenko is immediately dropped, and that #HumanRights are fully protected, including the right to freedom of expression and the right to #ConscientiousObjection to #military service, which is inherent in the right to #freedom of thought, #conscience and #religion, guaranteed, amongst others, under Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights, as well as under Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which is non-derogable even in a time of public emergency, as stated in Article 4(2) of ICCPR.

Yurii Sheliazhenko is a well-known #ConscientiousObjector, pacifist, human rights defender and lawyer. We strongly condemn all actions of harassment and all attempts of intimidation against him and the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, as well as all cases of forced recruitment and even abduction of #conscripts to the involved armies, and all #persecutions of #ConscientiousObjectors, deserters and non-violent #anti-war protestors.

#peace #propeace


Statement of the Movement of Conscientious Objectors (Russia) for the International Conscientious Objection Day

Author(s) Movement of Conscientious Objectors (Russia)
Dear conscientious objectors to military service, today we mark our #CO day while #war is being waged.

As the war with #Ukraine began, the notion of refusing #military service in #Russia has become especially topical. Before the war, most #conscripts and their relatives did not associate military service as conscripts with actual #warfare. #Conscription appeared to be something akin to a sports camp with elements of military training.

Regardless of their political views, the healthy feeling of fear of participating in warfare in the territory of a foreign country forces people to file appeals for alternative civilian service and to protect their right not to serve in the #army by other means.

For some of the #objectors to military service, the chance to specify in their application that they object to Russia's war in Ukraine is important. This is a legal form of expressing one's disagreement directly to the representatives of state authorities—a matter of #moral significance.

In the course of the months of warfare, we have witnessed a totally new phenomenon: cases in which professional #soldiers refuse to participate in the special operation[*] and demand to terminate their contracts. We wish to express our special #gratitude to those soldiers and police officers who had the courage to #refuse to kill and die in a foreign land, who refused to participate in the special operation.

Today, when many people apprehend the introduction of partial of full [military] mobilisation in Russia, it is precisely the right to conscientious objection to military service that offers them support.

The Movement of Conscientious Objectors in Russia expresses its #solidarity with all those who oppose war, with everyone who stands against the act of #aggression. We wish and pray, with all our might, for Ukraine to survive the assault and retain its independence.

[* "The special operation" is Russia's ongoing attack on Ukraine; formally, it is not a war, but a "special operation", and is being referred to as such in official contexts in Russia]

Заявление Движения сознательных отказчиков к Международному дню отказчиков от военной службы — 15 мая 2022
Дорогие сознательные отказчики от военной службы! Сегодня мы встречаем наш день во время ведения военных действий.

С началом войны с Украиной идея отказа от военной службы в России стала особенно актуальной. До войны большинство призывников и их родных не связывали военную службу по призыву и военные действия. Призыв представлялся им чем-то вроде спортивного лагеря с элементами военной подготовки.

Независимо от политических взглядов, здоровое чувство страха перед участием в военных действиях на территории чужого государства заставляет людей подавать заявления на альтернативную гражданскую службу и защищать свое право не служить в армии другими способами.

Для части отказчиков от военной службы важным является возможность в своем заявлении указать, что они являются противниками войны Россия в Украине. Это легальная форма выражения своего несогласия непосредственно представителям власти, что имеет моральное значение.

За месяцы военных действий мы увидели совершенно новое явление: случаи, когда военнослужащие по контракту отказываются участвовать в спецоперации, требуют расторжения контракта. Мы выражаем особую благодарность тем военнослужащим и сотрудникам полиции, которые имели мужество отказаться убивать и умирать в чужой стране, отказались от участия в спецоперации.

Сегодня, когда многие люди опасаются возможного введения частичной или полной мобилизации в России, именно право на отказ от военной службы по убеждениям совести становится для них поддержкой.

Движение сознательных отказчиков от военной службы России выражает солидарность со всеми противниками войны, со всеми, кто противостоит агрессии. Мы из всех сил желаем и молимся, чтобы Украина выстояла и сохранила свою независимость.

Р24 февраля 2022 ДСО опубликовало Заявление в связи с началом спецоперации

#CODay #peace #antiwar #pacifist #pacifism #ConscientiousObjectors #ConscientiousObjection

Where does YOUR country stand?

World survey of conscription and conscientious objection to military service

War Resisters' International maintains the World survey of #conscription and conscientious objection to #military service - a database of country profiles and information on the situation for conscientious objectors (COs) and #conscripts around the world. This unique resource exists to assist #activists, #researchers, lawyers and other interested parties to find out more about both trends in conscription worldwide, and specific information on individual #states. It has been used to assist COs seeking #asylum, to give #solidarity activists #information in planning campaigns, to give campaigners against conscription examples from other states to put pressure on their own #governments, and in academic #research.

#peace #antiwar #pacifist #pacifism #ConscientiousObjectors #ConscientiousObjection