BREAKING REPORT: Germany REFUSED to extradite terrorist who mowed people down at Christmas market
We are quickly learning a lot about the terrorist who mowed down people at a Christmas market in Germany tonight, killing multiple people and injuring many.
His name is reported to be Talib Al-Abdulmohsen and he’s from Saudi Arabia. He is said to be a Saudi fugitive and was granted asylum in Germany as a political refugee.
I guess you can’t talk your way out of it this year – resist world wide!
#endthis #oneworld #refuse #resist #revolution #solitarity #worldwide #worldwidesolidarity
Christians refuse to celebrate Christmas amid Gaza war | Al Jazeera Newsfeed
“My family is facing hell on Earth.” Palestinian Christians say they will not celebrate Christmas as they grieve for the people killed in Israel's war on Gaz...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #Christians #Christmas #Gaza #Israels #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #celebrate #killed #latestnews #newsheadlines #refuse #war
Christians refuse to celebrate Christmas amid Gaza war | Al Jazeera Newsfeed
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Statement of the Movement of Conscientious Objectors (Russia) for the International Conscientious Objection Day
Author(s) Movement of Conscientious Objectors (Russia)
Dear conscientious objectors to military service, today we mark our #CO day while #war is being waged.As the war with #Ukraine began, the notion of refusing #military service in #Russia has become especially topical. Before the war, most #conscripts and their relatives did not associate military service as conscripts with actual #warfare. #Conscription appeared to be something akin to a sports camp with elements of military training.
Regardless of their political views, the healthy feeling of fear of participating in warfare in the territory of a foreign country forces people to file appeals for alternative civilian service and to protect their right not to serve in the #army by other means.
For some of the #objectors to military service, the chance to specify in their application that they object to Russia's war in Ukraine is important. This is a legal form of expressing one's disagreement directly to the representatives of state authorities—a matter of #moral significance.
In the course of the months of warfare, we have witnessed a totally new phenomenon: cases in which professional #soldiers refuse to participate in the special operation[*] and demand to terminate their contracts. We wish to express our special #gratitude to those soldiers and police officers who had the courage to #refuse to kill and die in a foreign land, who refused to participate in the special operation.
Today, when many people apprehend the introduction of partial of full [military] mobilisation in Russia, it is precisely the right to conscientious objection to military service that offers them support.
The Movement of Conscientious Objectors in Russia expresses its #solidarity with all those who oppose war, with everyone who stands against the act of #aggression. We wish and pray, with all our might, for Ukraine to survive the assault and retain its independence.
[* "The special operation" is Russia's ongoing attack on Ukraine; formally, it is not a war, but a "special operation", and is being referred to as such in official contexts in Russia]
Заявление Движения сознательных отказчиков к Международному дню отказчиков от военной службы — 15 мая 2022
Дорогие сознательные отказчики от военной службы! Сегодня мы встречаем наш день во время ведения военных действий.С началом войны с Украиной идея отказа от военной службы в России стала особенно актуальной. До войны большинство призывников и их родных не связывали военную службу по призыву и военные действия. Призыв представлялся им чем-то вроде спортивного лагеря с элементами военной подготовки.
Независимо от политических взглядов, здоровое чувство страха перед участием в военных действиях на территории чужого государства заставляет людей подавать заявления на альтернативную гражданскую службу и защищать свое право не служить в армии другими способами.
Для части отказчиков от военной службы важным является возможность в своем заявлении указать, что они являются противниками войны Россия в Украине. Это легальная форма выражения своего несогласия непосредственно представителям власти, что имеет моральное значение.
За месяцы военных действий мы увидели совершенно новое явление: случаи, когда военнослужащие по контракту отказываются участвовать в спецоперации, требуют расторжения контракта. Мы выражаем особую благодарность тем военнослужащим и сотрудникам полиции, которые имели мужество отказаться убивать и умирать в чужой стране, отказались от участия в спецоперации.
Сегодня, когда многие люди опасаются возможного введения частичной или полной мобилизации в России, именно право на отказ от военной службы по убеждениям совести становится для них поддержкой.
Движение сознательных отказчиков от военной службы России выражает солидарность со всеми противниками войны, со всеми, кто противостоит агрессии. Мы из всех сил желаем и молимся, чтобы Украина выстояла и сохранила свою независимость.
Р24 февраля 2022 ДСО опубликовало Заявление в связи с началом спецоперации
#CODay #peace #antiwar #pacifist #pacifism #ConscientiousObjectors #ConscientiousObjection
L'Assemblée nationale refuse d'accorder l'asile en France au fondateur de WikiLeaks, Julian Assange. Les députés français ont voté contre la résolution par 17 voix pour et 31 contre. #Assemblée #nationale #refuse #asile #France #fondateur #WikiLeaks #Assange.
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“Colorful demonstrations and weekend marches are vital but alone are not powerful enough to stop #wars. Wars will be stopped only when #soldiers #refuse to fight, when workers refuse to load #weapons onto #ships and #aircraft, when people #boycott the economic outposts of #Empire that are strung across the globe. ”
― Arundhati Roy, Public Power in the Age of Empire
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Drop the Charges
“How can the #Australian #government stand #silent and #refuse to act in #response to a #CIA #proposal to #assassinate an Australian #citizen”
#humanrights #lawyer for #julianassange #assange #jenniferrobinson #robinson #auspol #freeassangeNOW #dropthecharges #weareallassange
With regards to #medical #mandates, "#Vaccine passports" and/or "#lockdowns" in the #UK please see:
Sidaway v. Board of Governors of the Bethlem Royal Hospital and the Maudsley Hospital
"A mentally competent patient has an absolute right to refuse to #consent to medical #treatment, for any reason, #rational or #irrational, or for no #reason at all, even where that decision may lead to his or her own #death."
This establishes the #principle of a legal right to #refuse medical treatment, preventative or curative. The ruling has been used in many cases and upheld.
In addition, please see the #International #Covenant on Civil and #Political #Rights Article 1 Section 1, Article 7 and Article 12 Section 1. The UK signed the #ICCPR September 1968 and ratified it in May 1976.
ICCPR Article 1 Section 1:
"All peoples have the #right of self-determination. By #virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their #economic, #social and #cultural development."
ICCPR Article 7:
"No one shall be subjected to #torture or to #cruel, #inhuman or degrading #treatment or #punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his #free #consent to medical or #scientific #experimentation."
ICCPR Article 12 Section 1:
"Everyone #lawfully within the #territory of a #State shall, within that territory, have the right to #liberty of movement and #freedom to choose his residence."
The UK is a ratified signatory nation of the ICCPR and has a #legal obligation to abide by the Articles within the treaty.
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