

The #Coelbren #Alphabet trail

The Coelbren Alphabet, or the British Alphabet, was created out of #pictograms by the #Hebrews who were released from #Egypt. Using #Wilson & #Blackett’s #research, and #RossBroadstock’s groundbreaking discovery that #Welsh can be used to translate Egyptian #hieroglyphics, this video tracks Coelbren from the present day back to Egypt.

I mentioned Hugh Evans’ book: the title is ‘The Origin of the Zodiac’. This is an outstanding and beautifully produced piece of research into the correlation on the ground in #Gwynedd of the #constellations of the #Zodiac. Highly recommended, and available through https://Cymroglyphics.com.


Research discussion--The #Secrets #of the #GreatPyramid - #Randall-Carlson - Think Tank - E28

In this episode of Think Tank, Robert hosts #RandallCarlson, a master builder, geometrician, architectural designer, teacher, and "renegade scholar." With over forty years of studying #ancient #mythology and modern #science, #Carlson has been recognized by the National Science Teachers Association for his commitment to science education. His career includes organizing field expeditions to explore and document evidence of catastrophic earth changes. Carlson's life and work emphasize his aspiration to "affect a revival of lost knowledge."

In their relaxed yet insightful conversation, Robert and Randall share their research and ideas, exploring the mysteries of the #Great #Pyramid, sacred geometry, and the intricate relationship between #architecture, #astronomy, and music. Robert highlights the importance of #Metatron's #Cube in understanding ancient structures and demonstrates how the #King's #Chamber walls align with #constellations.

Their discussion uncovers how the #pyramids' geometric layout aligns with musical intervals and astrological constellations, providing a glimpse into sacred geometry and ancient wisdom. They also delve into ancient measurements like the long cubit, the relationship between Euler's identity and light, and the golden ratio. They offer a compelling look into the esoteric knowledge encoded within pyramids and ancient manuscripts. Their casual yet profound dialogue lays the groundwork for future collaborations, capturing the early days of a promising friendship.




We always look forward to our enlightening chats with good Alfacast compatriot, #MartyLeeds, and this one will definitely be special. The ever-present stellar canopy just overhead has quite a story to tell, and master-decoder Marty Leeds is our go-to man to decipher what the #Sky #Clock is trying to tell us.
Marty's new book, #Scripture in the #Stars does just that, as it takes the reader through a journey of the #Bible like they have never had before. Linking the stories of the Good Book to the #constellations in our night skies, this book unveils the deeply #spiritual and #celestial meanings of the #ancient biblical tales.

Every chapter uncovers for the reader, step by step, how the stories of the Old and New Testament are found in the celestial characters, symbols and animals above our heads. Scripture in the Stars is easy to read, full of large graphics for reference and study, and is a must have for any serious religious student.

Past interviews with Marty have traversed through a diversity of subject matter from Gnostic Christianity, to the mathematics, symbolism, astrology, and mysticism encoded within the Bible.

Marty always brings it, and this episode is one not to be missed!

Show links:
https://gnosticacademy.org/See less

Scripture In The Stars w/ Marty Leeds


🌌🔱 "Les mondes de #Chloé : A la belle #étoile" (France Culture, juin-juillet 2022)
"France Culture lance sa première collection “savoirs” dédiée à la jeunesse. Repérez les #constellations et voyagez dans l' #espace avec Chloé, sa grand-mère un peu sorcière et l'astrophysicienne Françoise #Combes. Un voyage initiatique en 12 nuits, à écouter en famille dès 8 ans."


Le coup de coeur 😍 c'est mon cadeau de Noël, je l'avais pré commandé en septembre, je l'attendais avec impatience ! ce #livre est magnifique, il est très lourd aussi, genre on ne l'emmènera pas en forêt 😅 les illustrations sont oufs, les descriptions, la diversité de ce qui y est représenté, je suis fan, mes enfants aussi, ils ont l'impression d'ouvrir un livre précieux comme dans les films ^^
Il y a des clés d'identification pour les #animaux à 4 pattes, les #plantes, les #arbres etc on y parle de #roches, d'étoiles, de #constellations ... Etc
Il est édité chez La Salamandre pour celleux que ça intéressent 😁