

According to the FDA FOIA data, the Pfizer "vaccine" has a (1223/42086)x100=2.91% fatality rate. According to data from Cambridge university, the mortality rate of Covid in the UK including all ages is (1/480)x100=0.208%. Overall, that makes the "vaccine" 14x (1400%) more deadly than Covid overall.

It doesn't stop there though, as according to Cambridge the younger a person is, the lower their Covid mortality rate is.

Under 25s = (1/91,775)x100=0.001% mortality rate.
25-44 = (1/7405)x100=0.014% mortality rate.
45-64 = (1/934)x100=0.107% mortality rate.
65-74 = (1/249)x100=0.401% mortality rate.
75+ = (1/50)x100=2.000% mortality rate.

So, the Pfizer "vaccine" is:

2,910x (291,000%) more deadly than Covid for those under 25.
208x (20,800%) more deadly than Covid for those 25-44.
27x (2,700%) more deadly than Covid for those 45-64.
7.3x (730%) more deadly than Covid for those 65-74.
1.5x (150%) more deadly than Covid for those over 75.


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