

Free lunches, brain breaks and happy teachers: why Estonia has the best schools in Europe

How did #Estonia, a small country that is relatively poor compared with most of the EU, become an educational powerhouse?

In the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa) rankings, which measures 15-year-olds’ abilities in maths, reading and science, the top spots are held by a handful of Asian countries, but Estonia ranks next – the best in Europe.

Its teachers are highly educated, the focus is on social and personal skills as much as academic learning and the typical curriculum is packed with a wide range of subjects, from robotics to music and arts.


#education #schools #teachers #Europe #EU #curriculum


‘Slavery was wrong’ and 5 other things some educators won’t teach anymore


In the following, Greg Wickenkamp is an eighth-grade social studies teacher, and Noll is Superintendent Laurie Noll. This was Iowa.

She continued: “To say ‘Is slavery wrong?’ — I really need to delve into it to see is that part of what we can or cannot say. And I don’t know that, Greg, because I just don’t have that. So I need to know more on that side.”\
As Wickenkamp raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips, she added, “I’m sorry, on that part.”\
Wickenkamp left the Zoom call. At the close of the year, he left the teaching profession.\
Contacted for comment, Noll wrote in a statement that “the district provided support to Greg with content through a neighboring school district social studies department head.” She did not answer a question asking whether she thinks teachers should be permitted to tell children that slavery was wrong.

#education #public-education #slavery #freedom #liberty #academic-freedom #history #teaching #teachers #curriculum #curricula #schools #public-schools #conservatives #conservatism #racism #social-studies



Un catalogo spietato di rimpianti:
anni passati davanti allo schermo, diplomi prima degli impieghi,
e lingue - tutta quella tortura - ora raggruppate sotto la voce Lingue.
Dove sono tutti i giorni sprecati? E le notti
passate a camminare con le mani tese
e le visioni che coprivano lentamente le pareti?

Dove sono i sensi di colpa
e l'improvvisa tristezza di fronte a una collinetta di frutta
in cima a un carretto in qualche strada dimenticata?

Anni in cui non si parla di ore vuote o di funerali,
espunti da depressioni nere e unghie rosicchiate,
le chiavi dimenticate dentro casa.

Non c'è una sola finestra aperta
e non c'è traccia del desiderio, rimandato, di emergere.

Una vita troppo piena di successi,
ripulita dallo sporco:
prova che chi l'ha vissuta
ha tagliato tutti i legami con la terra.

Iman Mersal

A poem by Iman Mersal, translated by Robyn Creswell. I translated the poem in English to Italian.

#ImanMersal #poetry #poem #literature #cv #curriculum


How do you buy Legos? As a kit or just a box of bricks?

The process of #education asks the same question. If the bricks are analogies for bits of knowledge, how are they being packaged? Are the students taught a wide variety of knowledge or a set of focused standards? In my state, the standards are worded "the student will be able to...". In short, the students can assemble the bricks into the kit design.

But where is the innovation and creativity necessary for technical and social growth to be found? We claim 'student-centered' #learning, but is our #curriculum designed to encourage individual play with a box of bricks? Or are the (state) assessments judging the outcomes with the kit instructions in hand?