

Here's an interesting and well-written glimpse at #GQP / #TrumpVirus cult 'thinking' (about exit doors?) vis-a-vis TFG...

Trump's idiotic 'trading cards' are the last straw for Republicans

Not only a case study of 'group-think' among the Trump once-faithful, but an excellent compendium of historical facts, one horrid act after another, serving as an excellent list of reasons to re-think there being a modicum of anything positive ever, in Drumpf-world.

#cults #cult #deprogramming #CognitiveDissonance #Crime #fraud #sedition #TaxEvasion #Emoluments #TeflonDon #Jan6


And sometimes their eyes open, if but briefly

One of the alt-right hangers-on on Diaspora, @Robbie, ... sees an inconsistancy and begins to wonder, if but for a moment:

Mike #Pence is probably the most honorable man in politics. He simply did not agree with the President #Trump that “the VP can single-handedly reject the Electoral College votes.” Pence followed the #Constitution and Trump betrayed him. I’m really surprised and disappointed to see so many people attacking Mike Pence, who has served with uncompromising devotion to #God and the Constitution of the United States.



Robbie follows up with:

Really. It’s like they treated Christ in Jerusalem: Hosanna one day and Crucify him! the next day. I hate to see otherwise sane, thinking people act like that.

Naturally the rest of that small group immediately attempt to steer him to the New Orthodoxy, most especially ringleader @Theaitetos (テアイテトス)

Robbie, trust your gut, your memory, and the evidence of your own eyes here. And ask yourself what it is your "friends" here are telling you, and why. And trust that they'll crucify you just as they did Christ and Pence should they realise they've lost you to their lie.

What you are experiencing right now is Revelation. Enlightenment. And it is painful:

Make no mistake about it -- enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or becoming happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It's seeing through the facade of pretense. It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.

I'm unable to comment on the post. Others might care to, and I suggest they do, sharing this link.

How do we encourage moments of lucidity? Because we'll likely see more of them.

#BreakingTheSpell #deprogramming #revelation #enlightenment #trumpism #trumpists #fascism #fascists