

Counseling hotline for conscientious objectors and deserters of the Ukrainian war established

"In order to be able to give the best possible support right from the start, we have set up an #counseling #hotline in #Russian, #English and #German languages for initial information for #deserters and #ConscientiousObjectors who refuse to go to #war in the various countries. They need #assistance in a language they can understand. At the same time, we have put basic information online in Russian, English and German," says Rudi Friedrich.

More information at: https://www.Connection-ev.org/get.out.2022

#peace #antiwar #pacifist #pacifism #ConscientiousObjection


Peace activists demand for Germany to: Support war resisters from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine

Broad alliance calls for protection/asylum for deserters and conscientious objectors from #Russia, #Belarus and Ukraine

In a joint appeal to the German parliament, a broad civil society alliance calls on the #Bundestag and the #German #government to grant #protection and #asylum to #Russian and #Belarusian as well as #Ukrainian #ConscientiousObjectors and #deserters. #Germany and all other #EU countries must take in these people fleeing the #war effort without red tape and allow them a permanent right to stay – and also ensure that the human right to conscientious objection is recognized.

“Our goal is to ensure that conscientious objectors and deserters from the #Ukraine war are granted uncomplicated protection and asylum,” reads the letter to the members of the Bundestag, which is supported by Connection e.V., the human rights organization PRO ASYL and around 40 other peace, #HumanRights and #refugee organizations from all over Germany. The alliance is urging the members of the Bundestag to pass a corresponding motion – if possible as intergroup – to mandate the government to provide this protection for deserters and conscientious objectors. Unfortunately, this protection has not been guaranteed so far.

#peace #antiwar #pacifist #pacifism #ConscientiousObjection