

Your profile page is already archived here:



So here's a fun tip. SocialHome includes a ton of functionality without signing up for a login. You can view the Local and Public Streams, search for hashtags, and search for users

You do NOT need an account on the pod. Try it out here:


You can search for a #tag or a userid @ pod in the Search box. Go ahead and search for your old account. If you were followed by anyone on that pod, such as myself @Isaac Kuo Art Blog ... voila! Your posts and their comments are there, in slick multi-column format!

@Doc Edward Morbius @Doc Edward Morbius (defunct account)

#pluspora #diaspora #SocialHome #diasporaTips #Fediverse #Federation


Multi-Column Streams in diaspora, Tumblr, Mastodon, Facebook, and MeWe

I've now added a new MeWe Multi-Column userstyle, and refined Mastodon to support non-advanced web interface mode.

1) click userstyle here: https://userstyles.world/user/isaackuo

2) click on green GET STYLUS button to install Stylus plugin

3) click on blue INSTALL button to install the userstyle

For diaspora and Mastodon, edit the userstyle to add your pod to the URL domains it applies to (click on S plugin icon, select Manage ... )

For Mastodon, try "advanced web interface" to see if it works better for you.

#diaspora #tumblr #mastodon #facebook #mewe #pluspora #tips #tip #diasporatips

If you have already used my Multi-Column userstyles, consider re-installing them from https://userstyles.world/user/isaackuo because that way you'll get automatic updates when I update them. For a while, I hadn't figured out how to get my updates to propagate properly, but I've figured it out now. I have to manually alter the version number before publishing the update.


G+ style Multi-Column Streams in diaspora, Tumblr, Mastodon, and Facebook

I've moved over my Multi-Column userstyles to the Stylus repository at userstylesDOTworld *


I’ve put together CSS styles which provide multi-column Streams in various social media platforms. This has a huge effect on browsing speed. To use them, you:

1) Download Stylus plugin (Chrome, Firefox or Opera): https://add0n.com/stylus.html

2) Install desired Multi-Column styles from here: https://userstyles.world/user/isaackuo

Modify the domain it acts on if you’re using a different pod


= = = = = ADDITIONAL NOTES = = = = =

diaspora is the most refined, with a lot of extra features like multicolumn comments, autoexpand all posts, font size customization, and other UI enhancements

Tumblr is also solid; it keeps the standard width of Tumblr posts and is responsive to width (2 or 3 or 5 columns)

Mastodon is maybe 95% good, depending on how you prefer to use Mastodon. It's designed for use with the "Advanced" view.

Facebook is a bit crude, but I'm proud that I was finally able to crack its CSS well enough

Of these platforms, the only ones I use significantly are diaspora, Tumblr, and Mastodon. Those will be the best supported, naturally.

#diaspora #tumblr #mastodon #facebook #pluspora #tips #tip #diasporatips

Note, the old site is the repository for Stylish, which Stylus was forked from. Stylish reports site usage data back to the mothership, whereas Stylus does not. Old site is here: https://userstyles.org/users/773238


Multi-column Stream in diaspora!

One thing I like about Google+ is the multi-column stream view. It means I can browse articles more quickly than with a single column view, with less scrolling effort. Conversely, it means my followers can browse articles more quickly, so more people see my posts. It's great! More engagement, more enjoyment, less time spent.

Diaspora has many features I like, being similar to early G+. But it has just a single column stream view...until now! It turns out that adding a small bit of CSS code gives a crude multi-column stream view. It's not neat Masonry tiling, with weird gaps. But it's good enough for me.

The steps to do this are:

1) Use Chrome or Chromium

2) Install the Stylus plugin (search for "stylus chrome")

3) Go to pluspora.com (or whatever diaspora pod you're on)

4) Click on the “S” plugin icon in the upper right; select Write Style for pluspora.com

5) Paste the code:

#main-stream .stream-element {
    float: left;
    width: 33%;

.container-fluid {
    max-width: 3000px;

.col-md-3 {
    width: 15%;

6)Click “Save” to save your new style.

#diaspora #diasporatips #tips #tip


Français en dessous

#diasporaTips of the day: Invite your friends!

It's still not very easy for new users to join diaspora*. even if we're working on it. But did you know that you can help? There is an invitation link in the left column of the main page, in the "Invite your friends" section. It allows to register to diaspora*, and you will automatically be proposed to the new user as a possible contact. That way, your friends will be on your pod and already linked to you. Share it!

L'astuce du jour : invitez vos amis !

Ce n'est pas toujours facile de s'inscrire sur diaspora* pour les nouveaux utilisateurs, même si on y travaille. Mais saviez-vous que vous pouvez aider ? Il y a un lien d'invitation dans la colonne de gauche de la page principale, dans la section "Invitez vos amis". Il permet de s'inscrire sur diaspora*, et vous serez automatiquement proposé au nouvel utilisateur comme un contact possible. De cette facon, vos amis seront sur votre pod et déjà liés à vous. Partagez-le !

#diaspora #newhere #nouveauIci #inviteYourFriends #deleteFacebook