

Ireland announces plan to install 600,000 heat pumps by 2030

The move is part of the National Development Plan 2021-2030, which aims to increase the share of renewable electricity in the generation mix up to 80% and to allocate around 15.5 GW of wind and solar capacity through an auction scheme.
#grids, #commercial, #distributed, #energy, #industrial, #pv, #storage


The Hydrogen Stream: Hydrogen highway through Central Europe

Elsewhere, the German government wants to allow the testing of hydrogen production from offshore electricity, while a French consortium intends to promote the use of hydrogen at airports and build a European airport network to accommodate future hydrogen aircraft. Furthermore, the Port of Rotterdam is increasing its efforts to become a hydrogen hub.
#hydrogen, #scale, #utility, #markets, #r&d, #storage, #technology, #distributed


The Hydrogen Stream: Hydrogen highway through Central Europe

Elsewhere, the German government wants to allow the testing of hydrogen production from offshore electricity, while a French consortium intends to promote the use of hydrogen at airports and build a European airport network to accommodate future hydrogen aircraft. Furthermore, the Port of Rotterdam is increasing its efforts to become a hydrogen hub.
#markets, #scale, #distributed, #technology, #r&d, #storage, #hydrogen, #utility


A closer look at liquid air energy storage

A British-Australian research team has assessed the potential of liquid air energy storage (LAES) for large scale application. The scientists estimate that these systems may currently be built at a cost between \xe2\x82\xac300 and \xe2\x82\xac600 per kilowatt-hour megawatt-hour and that a positive business case could be favored by certain conditions, including a determined price structure in the energy market and the presence of a grid unable to support high levels of renewable energy penetration.
#r&d, #technology, #distributed, #pv, #scale, #utility, #storage


Rockefeller and Ikea foundations pledge $1bn for small scale renewables

With 'shovel-ready' projects across India, Africa and Latin America in line for a mix of grants, cheap loans, equity investment and financial guarantees from this year, the two bodies hope to trigger $20 billion in total funding and bring reliable power to a billion people.
#community, #sustainability, #minigrid, #distributed, #renewable, #policy, #finance, #markets


Je test en ce moment #jami et voici un début de retour d’expérience.
Je m’intéresse (mon choix) uniquement aux solutions libres, cryptées de bout en bout, disponible pour un max d’OS/plateformes (linux, win, mac, android, ios, etc) ET sans obligation de donner son numéro de téléphone ou d’avoir un smartphone pour créer un compte.
Jami propose du #distribuée #pairtopair, çà c’est top!
En bonus le développement est actif avec des versions récentes, ex: stable Android 20201222-01 et preview Android 20210106, idem pour les autres plateformes.
D’après ce que j’ai pu lire Jami serait soutenu par des dev #Trisquel eux même soutenu par la #FSF, autant dire que si ce soutient se confirme dans le temps voilà une belle équipe de libristes à l’oeuvre!
Et ce qui concerne mon début d’expérience deux potes (sous android) qui ont du corriger les autorisations de l’app (son pas automatiquement autorisé) et après correction de ce détail çà roule nikel.

Vous voulez plus d'infos:

#RichardStallman en parle:

#openmeetings #apache #bigbluebutton #element #matrix #jami #jitsi #linphone #nextcloud #openvidu #signal #wire #vidéoconférence #visioconférence #endtoendencryption #distributed #secure #anonymously #anonymous #privacy #private #security #free/libre #liberty #p2p #peertopeer #encrypted #opensource #alternative #whatsapp #skype


Hi, here is an initial proposal to build a tahoe-lafs based distributed filesystem.
I could only find the test grid for testing pruposes, some commercial service, and a kind of closed-abandonned small community driven network.
So I would find interesting to build a community-based tahoe-lafs grid.

If there are people also interested in participating to start to deploy/run a secure distributed filesystem, please have a look at my quick draft here, and we'll figure out how to start.
A couple of people from different AS would be helpful as to ensure to distribute over different networks.

This is an initial call, for any ideas welcome.
Goal would be to provide such a running filesystem for the free use of any participating people, instead of stickig to a commercial one, or being forced to do isolated self-hosting for such type of data.

CAVEAT : if I forgot an existing project, please correct me and we can join that project then also.

#tahoe-lafs #p2p #distributed #filesystem #cloud #security #encryption