

India set for 16 GW of solar this fiscal year amid falling module prices

Falling PV module prices are set to enhance investment returns for the 45 GW of solar projects that have been awarded since fiscal 2021, with expectations for 16 GW of new capacity in the current fiscal year, says CRISIL Ratings.
#industrial, #pv, #markets, #scale, #commercial, #utility, #residential


This video covers our #sun's local star neighbors and their #planets.

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=qOpYYPzVOG4

Quote Compared to gigantic galaxies and star clusters, the #SolarSystem is no more than just a speck of dust. There are thousands of stars within the radius of 100 light years from it. With some of them barely distinguishable against the dark abyss of space, others are so bright that they can be seen even if they are in other galaxies. Besides, there are a lot of invisible objects lurking in the depths of space, too – from massive brown dwarves to rocky exoplanets comparable to our Earth in size. Some of them may harbour life while others may pose a threat.

However, all this diversity is eclipsed by the #scale of our #galaxy.

There are 200 billion stars and over a trillion planets at the very least to be found across its expanses. It is quite impossible to completely explore this great abundance of unique space objects.

Today we will talk about some of the closest ones.

00:00 Intro
01:18 Closest #stars
02:18 Barnard's #star
05:39 Sirius
09:03 Wolf 1061
14:03 Local Interstellar Cloud
15:57 AP Columbae
18:53 Gliese 370
21:44 #Castor
24:47 Local Bubble
27:04 EndingSee less


Australian companies targeting 4.5 GWh of pumped hydro storage

The developers behind a proposed AUD 5.5 billion ($3.7 billion) pumped hydro renewable energy project in Australia have announced a new partnership to pair 4.5 GW of long-duration energy storage with new renewables capacity and green hydrogen production.
#australia, #storage, #r&d, #scale, #technology, #energy, #utility