

https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/I/-/f/I/I-fIj.caa.mp4?u=3&b=0 If you only ever watch 1 thing on this topic, you would struggle to do better than this.

"You know why they didn't work? It turns out coronavirus is a very malleable model, and as a matter of fact, every publication on vaccines for coronavirus, from 1990 to 2018, every single publication concluded, it escapes the vaccine impulse, because it modifies too quickly for vaccines to be effective. And since 1990, to 2018, that is the published science, ladies and gentlemen."

#coronavirus #patents #drdavidkeith
#ecr #covid19 #science #mandates #terror #domesticterrorism #premeditated #publishedplans
#lockdowns #masks #vaccines
#casefatalityrate #infectionfatatlityrate #conflation #switch #scam #forprofitmedicine #genocide #anthrocide #depopulation #operationlockstep #wealthtransfer #wealthextractionmaximisation #establishedbestpractices #pathology #followthescience #europeanparliament #whosafraidofthecommoncold #bioterrorism #bioracketeering #duress #wilfulignorance #patients #healthcare #history #cleavagesite #mRNA #PCR and even in #germtheory #thisiswrong #cytokinestorm #spikeprotein #bioweapon #autopsy #leavenostoneunturned #humancull #facethehorror

"it escapes the vaccine impulse, because it modifies too quickly for vaccines to be effective"

And this was known. Even through the #fluvaccinescandal in the 00s. It is not viable to vaccinate this part of our virome. As was, known, masks don't help, and do harm, decades earlier, through many studies. As was known the benefits of vitamin D3 and sunlight, and socialising, and exercise, and fresh air, and no stress... All the things hampered or even outright insisted against. In contravention of all #establishedbestpractices.

Shows the #danger of #terror to get us to lose our ability to #think, just react and #obey a #strongman to save us. #weareinalotoftrouble. #massformationpsychosis. #racket.



US #politics: Edward Kelley of Maryville, TN and Austin Carter, from Knoxville, TN were arrested Friday for plotting to assassinate 37 FBI agents that were investigating Kelly for the Jan. 6th attack on the Capitol.

It was an unnamed acquaintance, who alerted law enforcement to Kelley’s plans.

Imagine the headlines if they were Arabs, blacks or Hispanic. But this story will probably gets little to no attention locally or worldwide.

#Jan6 #DomesticTerrorism #MAGA #US #FBI #Terrorism



NPR Twofer: TX GOP denies Biden's 2020 win & calls for secession, MO ex-Gov Senate candidate calls for "RINO hunting"

On the one hand, I try to avoid the usual fray of political trolling. On the other, taking what is said seriously has its arguments and adherents.

NPR, not prone to exaggeration, and slow to move in taking the Orange Turd threat seariously in the 2016 cycle, seem to be more alert for the 2022 midterms:

Texas GOP’s new platform says Biden didn’t really win. It also calls for secession

President Biden is the "acting" president because he didn't win legally; Texans should vote on seceding; the Voting Rights Act of 1965 should be repealed; any gun control is a rights violation: this is the world as seen by the Republican Party of Texas, according to its newly adopted party platform.

"We can't compromise with Democrats who have a different and incompatible vision for our future," Matt Rinaldi, the state GOP chairman, said, according to The Texas Newsroom. "We need to be a bold and unapologetic conservative party, ready to go on offense and win the fight for our country."

The Republicans' 2022 platform is outlined in a 40-page document that addresses state issues but also much broader priorities — such as calling for the U.S. to leave the United Nations. Delegates approved it over the weekend, at the party's convention in Houston. ...


The TX GOP platform: https://texasgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/6-Permanent-Platform-Committee-FINAL-REPORT-6-16-2022.pdf (PDF)

A Missouri Senate candidate holds a shotgun and calls for ‘RINO hunting’ in a new ad

A new campaign ad from Eric Greitens, the controversial former governor of Missouri now running for U.S. Senate, prompted accusations of glorifying political violence before being flagged by Twitter and removed by Facebook for violating policies around violence and abuse.

"Today, we're going RINO hunting," Greitens, a Republican, said with a smile as he slid the action on his shotgun in the 38-second ad. RINO stands for "Republican in name only."

Greitens and a team of men outfitted in military gear are then shown bursting into a home, guns raised.

"The RINO feeds on corruption and is marked by the stripes of cowardice," said Greitens. "Get a RINO hunting permit. There's no bagging limit, no tagging limit, and it doesn't expire until we save our country." ...


The argument that the US Repubican Party is not a seditionist domestic terrorist organisation is becoming much harder to make.

#USPol #Republicans #GOP #GQP #Texas #Missouri #EdGreitens #Sedition #DomesticTerrorism #Politics


FBI director suggests ‘serious charges’ coming in probe of Capitol attack

FBI Director Chris Wray on Thursday suggested “serious charges” are still coming in the criminal investigation of the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump. ... Wray testified that the FBI considered the attack an act of "domestic terrorism." He said he understands why Democratic lawmakers have called the attack an "insurrection," but said it would not be appropriate for him to use that word because of the effect it could have on pending criminal cases. ... Asked whether the FBI was investigating Trump or his associate Roger Stone, Wray said he could neither confirm nor deny any FBI investigation.


#Jan6Coup #ChrisWray #FBI #insurrection #DomesticTerrorism #terrorism #DonaldJTrump #uspol