

From @calou@diaspora-fr.org - il y a 38 minutes
help !

je cherche une solution #logement pour une amie dont le fils doit intégrer l’#université de #maynooth près de #Dublin, de septembre à juin avec le programme erasmus
pour l’instant aucune piste…
si vous avez des contacts sur place …ce serait idéal !
merci !

I am looking for a #housing solution for a friend whose son is due to attend #Maynooth #University near #Dublin, from September to June with the #Erasmus programme for the moment no lead…
If you have contacts on the ground… that would be ideal!
Thank you!


Carnage on the streets of #Dublin 23/11/23

Carnage on the streets of Dublin as locals vent their anger over innocent children been stabbed by an Algerian import. Scuffles breaking out between outraged protesters and the Gardaí and vehicles set alight.
This is what happens when the people of Ireland have been ignored and let down by those who are supposed to protect them, especially the most innocent of all, children.