

What Happens When a #Romance #Writer Gets Locked Out of #Google Docs

source: https://www.wired.com/story/what-happens-when-a-romance-author-gets-locked-out-of-google-docs/?esrc=AUTO_PRINT

In March, an aspiring author got a troubling message: All of her works in progress were no longer accessible. What happened next is every writer’s worst fear.

Google never specified which of her 222,000 words was inappropriate.


Generally speaking, files containing #violence, #abuse, child sexual abuse material, and gore violate the terms of service for Google Drive and its associated products, like Docs and Sheets.

Now many of you will be thinking, who is stupid enough to store everything in the Google #cloud? The problem is we know that, but many people out there don't. We urgently need to do more educational work and warn people about companies like Google and their practices. Tell all your friends and acquaintances and don't use the clouds of the big corporations.

#news #problem #fail #warning #danger #service #customer #internet #economy #security #wtf #omg #disaster


Die Namen im #Krisenkabinett der #Union geben der #Krise ein Gesicht 😱

Siehe: https://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/deutschland/innenpolitik/id_100357128/wenn-die-ampel-scheitert-geheime-kabinettsliste-aus-der-union.html

Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz: Jens Spahn (CDU)
Finanzen: Alexander Dobrindt (CSU)
Außenministerium: Johann Wadephul (CDU)
Verkehr: Steffen Bilger oder Sepp Müller (beide CDU)
Landwirtschaft: Dorothee Bär (CSU)
Frauen und Familie: Julia Klöckner (CDU)
Umwelt: Andreas Jung (CDU)
Justiz: Andrea Lindholz (CSU)
Bildung: Nadine Schön oder Nina Warken (beide CDU)

#politik #nieWiederCDU #niemehrcdu #wtf #aua #omg


Keine #Satire - das Plakat kommt wirklich von der #FDP

Doch was haben wir hier? Ein gegendertes Kriegsflufgzeug oder eine Seniorin, die nach #Europa abgeschoben wird?

Früher war das Motto: "Hast du einen Opa, schick ihn nach Europa!" Es ist natürlich löblich, dass im #Feminismus dies auch für die Oma gilt. Allerdings bedeutet Feminismus nicht, dass sich Frauen so wie Männer verhalten müssen, um in Führungspositionen zu kommen. Es wäre nur sehr schade wenn wir Feminismus dadurch erreichen, dass wir genauso viele unfähig Frauen wie Männer in Führungspositionen haben 😩

#wahl #Wahlkampf #Demokratie #politik #eu #problem #wtf #aua #omg #Krieg #krise #rüstung #Militär #zukunft #Menschheit #protest #kritik #Werbung


Neues aus der Verschwörungsszene über #Überschwemmung

In #Norddeutschland läuft gerade das Projekt #Sintflut 2.0

Je nach dem wen man fragt sind folgende Gruppierungen Schuld:
1) Klaus Schwab und der sogenannte "Great Reset" wegen Bevölkerungsreduktion. Man will die Gegend entvölkern damit Sylt nicht so überlaufen ist mit Punks.
2) Der #Vatikan wegen Sintflut in der #Bibel.
3) Die Echsenmenschen.
4) ...

Mit dem Klimawandel hat das alles absolut nichts zu tun lauf Verschwörungsideologen, denn man muss #Klima von #Wetter unterscheiden und Überschwemmungen hat es früher schon gegeben, steht alles in der Bibel.

#Problem #Verblödung #Verarschung #Telegram #Verschwörung #Aua #OMG #WTF


“If I had to choose between the state and the mafia, I would choose the #mafia, because the mafia has codes, the mafia complies, the mafia doesn’t lie and, above all, the mafia competes,” he noted a year later.

Source: https://english.elpais.com/international/2023-11-19/javier-milei-a-mixture-of-a-messianic-preacher-and-a-rock-star.html

“I come from Libertyland,” he announced, a country “where no one pays taxes.” “My mission is to kick the ass of Keynesians,” he proclaimed before the cameras...

#Argentina #politics #fail #Milei #news #problem #mindset #wtf #omg


I found out what's wrong with Apple: They rejected #DuckDuckGo as a #search engine because of #privacy concerns and therefore preferred to stay with #Google.

source: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/10/apple-considered-ditching-google-for-duckduckgo-in-safaris-private-mode/

#Giannandrea had a different take, though. He was heavily involved in Apple's discussions about its future with search, and he dismissed a switch to DuckDuckGo, partly because he felt that DuckDuckGo's "marketing about privacy is somewhat incongruent with the details" because DuckDuckGo relies on #Bing in some areas. He said he would have wanted to do "a lot more due diligence with DuckDuckGo" should the switch have happened. He previously argued against switching to DuckDuckGo in an internal company email.

So an ex-Google employee talks about privacy issues and that's why you should stay with Google. If Apple is so stupid and falls for it, I wonder what they do for a living.

#news #problem #wtf #fail #omg #technology #safari #browser #internet #web #www


Scripted shortcut caused double-click #disaster of #sysadmin's own making

source: https://www.theregister.com/2023/10/09/who_me/

Rather than right-clicking on the script and selecting "Edit" to make his small change, Ricardo had instead executed the script. On his production machine. The machine that stored all of his carefully constructed scripting – not to mention absolutely everything else he needed to do his job.

And of course there was no "Are you sure Y/N?" to save Ricardo's skin, was there? With a fraction of a second, the script merrily started eating away the hard drive … and Ricardo's livelihood.

#software #script #fail #administrator #omg #wtf #configuration


Attackers accessed #UK #military data through high-security fencing firm's #Windows7 rig

source: https://www.theregister.com/2023/09/04/zaun_breach_windows_7/

The #attack targeted a Windows 7 PC used to run software for one of the company's manufacturing machines.

Extended #Security #Updates for Windows 7, which was released in 2009, finally came to an end in 2023. #Mainstream #support ended in 2015, and extended support finished in 2020.

#fail #omg #wtf #microsoft #problem #software #os #news


#History: #President #Bush Vomited On Their #PrimeMinister On Live TV – Now The Japanese Have A Word For It

source: https://allthatsinteresting.com/bushusuru

The Japanese immediately found themselves with a comical new #slang term, #bushusuru which literally means “to do a Bush.” By the end of the month, people were using the term on nights out to warn their friends of piles of vomit in the street as a joke about the U.S. president.

#USA #diplomacy #Japan #politics #fail #problem #TV #health #omg #wtf