

The #Easter Bunny Is Real, And So Are Covaids, #Climate Change & Pregnant Men


Imagine a depopulation plan so diabolical and so perfect, you could literally pull it off without 90% of the herd even knowing what was going on? Or even better, get the herd to ignore their own fate and actively participate in it!


Schönes Hasenfest Euch allen :)
Happy Bunny Day to you all

the rules of the game are simple - choose a photo (preferably your own), edit with gimp and tag #sundaygimp on a Sunday ;-) … and follow the tag.


(and also #Sunday-photo-edit )

Note: if you do not use gimp, but still want to play along, just use the tag #Sunday-photo-edit and edit the images with your favorite image editor

#AB, #AB-SG, #AB-9-04-23, #04-23, #gimp, #gmic, #Sundaygimp, #Kunst, #Art, #Hase, #Ostern, #Hasenfest, #Lapin, #Pâques, #Fête_du_lapin, #bunny, #easter, #bunnyfest, #bunny_day #Krikelkrakel, #Gekritzel, #pencil, #scribble, #doodle, #dailysketch, #sketch, #Bildbearbeitung, #Bildmanipulation, #manipulation-de-photos, #image-editing, #retouche-d-image, #photo, #Foto, #myphoto, #mywork (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

p.S. : Danke @messidor_@pod.geraspora.de für die Inspiration ;-)