

Morgen bekommen wir Rückenwind bestimmt!!!
Bei uns im Ort wird morgen von 10:00 bis 12:00 Uhr ein großer Protest zum Stande kommen!!! Auch Kinder von 3-ten und 4-ten Klassen aus unsere Grundschule sind bei der Demonstration dabei! NEIN gegen AfD, gegen Faschismus, Antisemitismus... NEIN gegen die Menschen, die in Deutschland Hass und Fremdenfeindlichkeit verbreiten!!!
JA für Demokratie, JA für Vielfalt, JA für alle Menschen, die in der Vielfalt der Menschen und ihrer Nationalitäten, die große Chancen sehen für ein starken Land, Deutschland. ☮️🧒🏻👧🏼👦🏽👦🏿👨‍🦰🌈
#Frieden #Unterstützung #Inklusion #Akzeptanz #Vielfalt #Menschheit #Menschenrechte #Fotos #meineFotos #mywork #Peace #Support #Inclusion #Acceptance #Diversity #Humanity #HumanRights #Photos #myPhotos


paste from a comment responding to a hypothetical question asking what if would happen LGBTQ+ took over everything...

taking over everything, is the principle article, a totalitarian fundamentalist ubiquity paradigm, in this flavour, "LGBTQ+", the separation (is the path to destruction)[inset quote krishnamurti's quote about calling yourself something and separation] divisiveness (to conquer by) i play through in my mind as having the effect of increasing bisexuality in the gene pool, after the hetrosexuals have been democided, and the L & G would have higher hurdles to reproduction, and the T are a diverse group of whome some are even more hampered, others, may be crypto-hetrosexuals maintaining the species naturally, just under a different cultural shrowd, and {is this still the same sentence? oh my grammar, ...} the Q, i understand about as much as the +, but i speculate a mix of capacities to reproduce. the hormonal balances, chromosomal standardised interfaceability would get further out of homeostatic regulatory snugness in our evolution, demanding a far higher population to have chances of making reproductively compatible connections, ever diminishingly, at the same time as population reducing from reduced reproductively compatible connection succeeding to reproduce... needs more, causes less, is an exctinction trajectory. these are the natural pressures that would be at play, so, technology would need advance a pace with this rapid extinction trajectory... presumably all kinds of cloning. presuming the species manages to find a way to survive, and the paradigm of taken over everything persists, the deeper paradigm of divisiveness and elimination of the other for being inferior, or for being a persecutor, would likewise persist, despite the professing, in orwellian inversion of meaning, of being about inclusion, the democides would proceed to trim, and simultaneously, the redivisions paradigm would continue to expand "+", eating itself from both ends, dividing and conquering, disempowering, in the name of empowerment, and so, if that paradigm persists, it would even accelerate the self destruction, so much that perhaps the reproductive problems would not even get a chance to take effect before the self destructiveness destroys the species from the infighting witchhunt of the one true sexual orientation to exclude, after the first, the main thriving arrangement, hetrosexuality, got eliminated, in the name of inclusivity, then the paradigm that took over everything, proceeds to eat itself... a sussceptability that if we succumb to, destroys us all, not just in this flavour, making us a "type zero civilisation", extincted, because we failed to not opposame, because we failed see the danger of anything taking over everything, the danger of any flavour of that, the danger of taking over everything.

so maybe we should not do that.

can i have a hormonally healthy environment please? no more dripping us in this transformatively strong hormone-disrupting corporate environmental soup imposing that on everything, oh look, taking over everything, so, not just a hypothetical already... enjoy the forever chemicals, and the codex alimentarius necessitated glyphosate blackmailed dose or die scam that risks total ecocidal collapse, to get a quick buck because (and i quote, from an insider, their own reasoning...) "homosexuals have more expendable income". enjoy the chemtrails, enjoy the chemical slop replacing the food supply. enjoy the (carcinogenic mutagenic) estrogenic plastics instead of natural safe wrapping. enjoy the lies that tell you to identify with an idea of your gender or sexuality so that you cannot think critically about it without the attack on your ignorance feeling like an attack on your very survival so you limbically reflexively attack anyone who offers ideas for your mind to entertain in an educated way, neither accepting necessarily nor rejecting necessarily, not reflexively, because, you understand that the ignorance that dies is not you, and the truth, the terrain, survives sound epistemological investigation and exploration, unblemished, but the maps we gett attached to rustle and make a lot of noise. enjoy the lies of maps we were tricked to believe the terrain, in our own voice tricked to believe it our idea and that we were tricked to believe "our"(/"my") idea my own. especially without introspecting on that possiblity. because of course since it's not true, it doesnt need introspected on at all to see if it's true. that's sound reasoning, right? ;)

but seriously, that quote's good... worth it, worth breaking my flow with mention of it, worth the wait past my rambles n rants... here, listen to the wisdom in this...

When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.
Jiddu Krishnamurti

#digitsrants #separation #identity #inclusion #hypocrisy #paradigm #introspection #opposame #nonviolence #enlaketch #transcend #iseewhatyoudidthere


Léo Walter @LeoWalter04 Oct 12

Depuis ce matin, le #RN enchaine les débâcles dans sa niche parlementaire.

Après 3 textes retirés, nous revoilà à débattre sur leur PPL pour l’interdiction de l’écriture inclusive, maintenue malgré leur fiasco en commission.

Cette fois, je n’ai pas parlé au féminin générique ⤵️

#Politique #France #Humour #Dérision #Discours #Inclusion #Inclusive #Féminin #Nation #FN #AssembléeNationale


In order to be "diverse" and "inclusive" we must first understand human diversity in all its facets, including but not limited to phenotypic characteristics. This effort necessitates comparisons and contrasts.

#gracekelly #popepiusXII #phenotypes #dei #diversity #inclusion #ethnicity #genotypes #indoeuropean #afroasiatic #europe #usa #neareast #middleeast #african #asian #uk #jew #jewish #jews #abrahamism #religion #abrahamicideologicalcolonialism #control #proportion #probability #representation #evolution #adaptation #humandiversity


#Levi's will use #AI #models for their online shops

Source: https://www.levistrauss.com/2023/03/22/lsco-partners-with-lalaland-ai/

Diversity, equity and inclusion is a top priority for us at LS&Co., and it’s important to note we do not see AI-generated models as a sole solution.

Speaking about "inclusion" after exclusion of real human models - what a mad word...

#fashion #technology #closes #diversity #inclusion #newspeak #advertisement #propaganda #company #press #fail #politics #news


Huit ordinateurs portables reconditionnés

Au début du mois d'avril je recevais 8 ordinateurs portables reconditionnés identiques. [caption id="attachment_2190" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Déballage des PC portables[/caption] Quelle était la demande ? Mon client, le directeur de l'Association Le Bus Mobile Informatique, que je remercie ici pour sa confiance,[...]

#economie #inclusion_numerique #reconditionne #reemploi-dordinateurs

Originally posted at: https://orditux.org/aol/2022/04/28/huit-ordinateurs-portables-reconditionnes/


A young boy sees his brother get bullied, then transform in a magical way. | My Brother Is a Mermaid

Kuda is a young boy who lives in a desolate coastal town with his older sibling Kai and his single mother. Kuda enjoys a close, loving bond with Kai. They enjoy surfing together and telling each other stories, particularly one about mermaids in the ocean.

But outside their bubble, life is hard for Kai, who is bullied for the feminine aspects of their self-presentation. Kai likes glitter and sequins, and even Kuda sees that Kai's soul is like a mermaid's: otherworldly, poetic, dreamlike and emotive. When the bullying hits a crisis point, Kuda thinks he's lost Kai forever, but the true magic of Kai's soul makes itself seen, despite the ugliness of the world around them.

Writer-director Alfie Dale's deeply affecting dramatic short combines textured, muted social realism with a lovely, evocative fairy tale in poetic, imaginative ways, offering up a story that is about the anchor of unconditional familial love and the full expression of one's self.

The visuals of the film are exceptional, capturing both the gritty desolate beauty of the coast and the lucid, lyrical flights of fancy that characterize Kai's imagination. These gorgeous underwater shots are soulful and evocative; they're beautiful to look at, but they also allow us to experience Kai their own terms, blurring the lines between genders and even between myth and reality, which may be more to the point when it comes to Kai.

The writing and editing, too, have a gentle fluidity, moving between the dramatic events of reality and the deep-dives into imagination. The storytelling is compelling throughout, building character and tension in powerful, gripping scenes that bring us into Kai's worlds, as seen through Kuda's eyes. That framing of innocence and love is important because Kuda seems something fundamental that even his mother cannot: Kai is just different at the deepest level of spirit and soul, which is mermaid-like, sensitive and darkly beautiful.

Young actors Cameron Maydale as Kai and Aidan Broderick as Kuda play the siblings with palpable connection and understated naturalness, forming the film's tender core. And ultimately, this fierce, loyal unconditional love is what pulls Kai out of the darkest depths when life becomes unbearable and threatens to drown them in pain and suffering.

Many films about gender nonconformity focus on the biological and physical, but what makes "My Brother Is a Mermaid" exceptional is how it grounds the audience within Kai's spiritual and emotional experience. Like Kuda, we come to see that Kai's soul is uniquely otherworldly, traversing oceanic realms of fluidity, emotion and imagination with delicacy and glamour, much like the mythical mermaids themselves.

In a world that is drab, ordinary and full of financial and emotional poverty, Kai wants to live on the level of myth and archetype. "My Brother Is a Mermaid" asks us to remember this impulse when we wanted to be fairies, tricksters, superheroes, gods, royalty, demons or angels -- when we wanted to feel and experience something bigger than ourselves, and dare to bring wild imagination into our daily lives.

#short-films #Omeleto #Alfie-Dale #imagination #acceptance #tolerance #inclusion #unconditional-love #gender-nonconformity