Hackaday (unofficial) September 4, 2023 12:00am Hackaday Links: September 3, 2023 #hackadaycolumns #hackadaylinks #slider #construction #cubesat #dcma #deorbit #emeter #eas #emergencyalertsystem #fcc #fema #kapton #orbitaldrag #righttorepair #scientology #sewer #wastewater #wea #worldrobotconference #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 Hackaday Links: September 3, 2023 Right-to-repair has been a hot-button topic lately, with everyone from consumers to farmers pretty much united behind the idea that owning an item should come with a plausible path to getting it fi…
Hackaday (unofficial) February 7, 2023 7:00pm Fox Fined For Using EAS Tone in Footbal Ad #hackadaycolumns #news #eas #ebs #emergencyalertsystem #emergencybroadcastsystem #fcc #federalcommunicationscommission #fine #fox #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 Fox Fined For Using EAS Tone In Footbal Ad The Boy Who Cried Wolf is a simple parable that teaches children the fatal risk of raising a false alarm. To do so is to risk one’s life when raising the alarm about a real emergency that may…
Hackaday (unofficial) August 22, 2022 12:00am Hackaday Links: August 21, 2022 #hackadaycolumns #hackadaylinks #5400rpm #apollo #bacon #decoder #eas #emergency #emergencyalertsystem #exploit #hdd #mushroom #mycelium #resonance #sidechannelattack #stageseparation #ullage #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 Hackaday Links: August 21, 2022 As side-channel attacks go, it’s one of the weirder ones we’ve heard of. But the tech news was filled with stories this week about how Janet Jackson’s “Rhythm Nation” …