

#RightToRepair #DIY #hacking #Linux #automotive #ergonomics

So my car is paid off. Time to rip out the horrifically annoying touchscreen and replace it with real mechanical pushbuttons. No more eyes off the road to play a video game of pop-ups and moving controls on a virtual screen that cannot be seen during daylight or in traffic.

What I have in my hands is a familiar automotive control from the 1980's from my beloved Honda Accord when ergonomics peaked.

I may replace the area left over with a small touchscreen with an embedded #Linux that I'll compile with all the features I want, not a marketing contractor that never drove a car in their life before. As a bonus, all the privacy stealing telemetry of #SirusXM and their several hundred third party partners like #Carfax and #LexisNexis and my insurance will no longer mysteriously email me with my current mileage and what service I need. This car is mine now, not a #privacy nightmare.

I may keep this car for many more years. I plan on converting it to full electric after I finish this. And use my own customizable touchscreen to experiment with new features before committing them to physical buttons.


Got my new #Fairphone 5. Durable and easy to repair with modular parts, and there are online instructions and videos so you can #repair many things yourself. I like that they're both doing their best to source things fairly, and also being transparent about what they can and can't do:

We’ve stepped up our game for the Fairphone 5, with more than 70% fair focus or recycled materials. And we’re improving supply chain transparency and taking responsibility for our material footprint.

On the other hand, it's bigger and heavier than my old one (an 8-year old Fairphone 2). And with newer phones, it seems you can no longer listen directly to the radio.

#fairTrade #sustainability #RightToRepair


" you may have seen that a group of Polish hackers repaired trains the manufacturers had bricked (hackers were successful and helped). Now the train company is threatening to sue them. We spoke to the hackers."


"In one of the coolest and more outrageous repair stories in quite some time, four white-hat hackers helped a regional rail company in southwest Poland unbrick a train that had been artificially rendered inoperable by the train’s manufacturer after an independent maintenance company worked on it. [Hal=igls manufacturer is now threatening to sue the hackers who were hired by the independent repair company to fix it.

The fallout from the situation is currently roiling Polish infrastructure circles and the repair world, with the manufacturer of those trains denying bricking the trains despite ample evidence to the contrary. The manufacturer is also now demanding that the repaired trains immediately be removed from service because they have been “hacked,” and thus might now be unsafe, a claim they also cannot substantiate"



Heute in der #taz 🐾 @taz @taz
🔧 "Reparieren statt Wegwerfen" 🚮
Nur 24 Prozent aller Elektrogeräte werden bei einem Defekt repariert, der Rest wird zu #Elektroschrott . (...)
Der massive Rückgang von Reparaturen lässt sich mit den heutigen Bedingungen von Produktion und Konsum erklären. Zum einen wenden Hersteller Praktiken an, die eine Reparatur erschweren, und damit teurer oder sogar unmöglich machen. Das Design eines Produktes wird zum Beispiel meist nach Kosteneffizienz optimiert – (...). Dazu kommen Techniken, die keinen anderen Zweck haben, als Reparatur zu verhindern.
Und gerade die großen Hersteller wehren sich auf politischer Ebene besonders heftig gegen ein Recht auf Reparatur. Deshalb braucht es einen politischen Rahmen, der das #RechtAufReparatur garantiert und auch Unternehmen schützt, welche die Reparierbarkeit ihrer Produkte tatsächlich ernst nehmen.
Wir sollten aber nicht nur auf die Politik und die Hersteller warten. Ob man sich öfter für die Reparatur eines Geräts entscheidet, selbst das Reparieren lernt oder sogar im Repair-Café sein Wissen teilt – die Möglichkeiten, sich praktisch für den Wandel einzusetzen, sind vielfältig."
Passend dazu:
"May your tech live long & prosper! Let’s learn about how to maintain your smartphone & repair it"
💻&🌳 Workshop auf #BitsUndBäume22 in #Berlin @Bits & Bäume Berlin @Bits&Bäume Bewegung

#GeplanteObsoleszenz #Repair #Reparatur #RechtAufReparatur #RightToRepair #Nachhaltigkeit #iFixit
@Ortwin Pinke @Computertruhe e. V. (Berlin) @Computertruhe e. V. @caos