

In the new season 3 of "Love, Death & Robots", episode one gives us the most realistic #future #dystopia for #humanity at the moment.

In the episode we accompany 3 robots that are on a pleasure trip to learn more about humans. The humans wiped themselves out several years ago. We already know the 3 robots from season 1 episode 2.

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Preppers have built camps in the wilderness with 'lots of guns and ammo. First they exterminated all the wild animals and then slaughtered each other.

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Tech millionaires have converted former drilling rigs into homes. They wanted to live by fishing. However, the seas were overfished and polluted, so they starved to death on their artificial islands.

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The #government took refuge in underground bunkers.

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In the bunker, the artificial production of #food bogged down after a while, so they switched to #cannibalism.

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This is the #spaceport from where the billionaires left for #Mars.

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Those who could not afford a ticket were dealt with by the #defence #system.

The robots conclude that humanity has acted illogically. With all the money that they have put into actions to allow only a small group to #survive, they could have saved the whole #planet.

#aramgeddon #apocalypse #endtime #entertainment #series #robot #AI #technology #earth #problem #environment #nature #extinction #finance #capitalisms #politics #economy #robot #climate #space