

#LochArkaig #OspreyCam: Live #Webcam - #WoodlandTrust

Mixed news from the #Osprey #Nest in #Scotland. Two #chicks are thriving and growing up fast but one died a few days ago. I could be very wrong but I when I tried to find out when the death had occured, I thought I saw that the parents were feeding the dead chick to the surviving two. If so, I had no idea they engaged in #cannibalism.


#Wildlife #UK


Why did people start eating Egyptian mummies? The weird and wild ways mummy fever swept through Europe

Why did people think cannibalism was good for their health? The answer offers a glimpse into the zaniest crannies of European history, at a time when Europeans were obsessed with Egyptian mummies.

#cannibalism (sort of)



In the new season 3 of "Love, Death & Robots", episode one gives us the most realistic #future #dystopia for #humanity at the moment.

In the episode we accompany 3 robots that are on a pleasure trip to learn more about humans. The humans wiped themselves out several years ago. We already know the 3 robots from season 1 episode 2.

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Preppers have built camps in the wilderness with 'lots of guns and ammo. First they exterminated all the wild animals and then slaughtered each other.

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Tech millionaires have converted former drilling rigs into homes. They wanted to live by fishing. However, the seas were overfished and polluted, so they starved to death on their artificial islands.

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The #government took refuge in underground bunkers.

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In the bunker, the artificial production of #food bogged down after a while, so they switched to #cannibalism.

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This is the #spaceport from where the billionaires left for #Mars.

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Those who could not afford a ticket were dealt with by the #defence #system.

The robots conclude that humanity has acted illogically. With all the money that they have put into actions to allow only a small group to #survive, they could have saved the whole #planet.

#aramgeddon #apocalypse #endtime #entertainment #series #robot #AI #technology #earth #problem #environment #nature #extinction #finance #capitalisms #politics #economy #robot #climate #space


y'know how, like, there's cannibals and human human-baby eaters?
in a sense, perhaps, from some points of view, if they eat those, by happenstance, along with meats from many other species, then, they're less speciesist, less primally species-supreamacist, than those of us who exclude eating our fellow humans, but eat the meat of other species.

however, if they only eat us (and not the meat of other species), then, first instinct i have is that's worse, but it's soon followed up by being able to see how it can be seen as the greater virtue, ... disturbing a notion as that is to confront. (and of course, one has to have some large blinkers on, to see it like that, like setting aside some important evolved emotional and ethical inteligences/aptitudes/senses)

and half way through typing that, i remembered mike wozniak on taskmaster mentioning prawns are cannibals, which made me feel better about all the many of them i've eaten, as my favourite meat (perhaps even my favourite food), as it's like i'm not doing anything they don't do to themselves. but then, i don't know them all individually. maybe it's like the cannibals among the human population, seen from affar, some other species nomming down loads of humans with a comforted magnanimous impunity, in that, "i'm not doing anything they don't do to themselves".

fits with the whole balancing acts among
do unto others as you would have them do unto you
do unto others as they wish done to them
do unto othes as is best for them
do unto others as is best for all
and so on.

oh, and also, one of the thoughts i had at the start, intended for this piece, is...

how young are the animals when they're slaughtered for your dinner plate? for example, a lot of those sheep and hens are but young lambs and chickens.
if you eat those... then you eat babies too.

and then plants... do you eat cress and sprouts and so on? plants have feeling senses too... i imagine they can sense when their babies are being eaten, with their well evolved aromatic chemical communication systems and electro sensing and so on.

#philosophy #perspectives #ethics #nihilism #toomuch #youonlyneedalittle #woahthere
#babyeater #cannibal #meateater #vegetarian #vegan #breatharian
#babyeaters #cannibals #meateaters #vegetarians #vegans #breatharians
#babyeating #cannibalism #carnism #vegetarianism #veganism #breatharianism
#meat #flesh #plants