

Voltaire | Writer, Wit, #Philosopher and Rebel

"After a couple more run-ins with the authorities Voltaire went to live in England for three years. But the French Government continued to pursue their troublesome citizen, censoring or suppressing much of his work and ordering some of his books to be burned. In 1734 Voltaire made a decisive break from France by moving to Switzerland where he was to spend much of his later life.

"He was able to afford such extravagance and live comfortably thanks to the French lottery. Voltaire had teamed with mathematician Charles Marie de La Condamine and other gamblers to exploit a loophole in the way the lottery was run so that their syndicate repeatedly won huge prizes and they all became very rich."


#art #bookburning #book-burning #censorship #england #exile #exploits #france #freedom #history #loophole #lottery #mathematics #painting #philosophy #politics #RaySetterfield #rebel #religion #setterfield #switzerland #voltaire #wit #writer


de Jamshid Golmakani, Horizon Communication
Pendant que beaucoup de gens se sentent solidaires des réfugiés ukrainiens,un rappel salutaire sur la situation aux frontières de la macronerie pour les autres exilés des guerres, plus colorés, humains eux aussi.
25 mn, selon moi, l'intérêt est beaucoup dans le regard porté par un estranger du dehors ( comme on appelle les transplantés dans les hautes alpes), ici:
ou/et là :
et là : https://yewtu.be/watch?v=NVyCRLb68Hs&feature=emb_title&autoplay=0&continue=0&dark_mode=true&listen=0&local=1&loop=0&nojs=0&player_style=youtube&quality=dash&thin_mode=false
C'est terrible, et peut-être encore pire à Calais où les bénévoles sont empêchés de donner de l'eau ou nourrir les exilés, les tentes sont détruites, etc...
#frontiere #migrant #refugie #exile #tousmigrants #noborder #refugeewelcome #droitsdelhomme #politique #macronerie #indecence #europe #forteresseeurope #etc


From the beginning of the #1980s the Brazilian #photographer #Sebastião_Salgado has been #documenting how #slave_like #work has been supporting humanity's present #urban/#high_tech #utopia.
#Salgado is the author of many other projects like #Exodus, a collection of 300 pictures that tell the timeless story of #exile and #migration.

  • photo 1: untitled, Serra Pelada's gold mine, Brazil 1986
  • photo 2: The refugee camps in the “Zone Turquoise”, Rwanda 1995
  • photo 3: Churchgate Station, Western Railroad Line, Bombay, India 1995
  • photo 4: The mosque of Istiqlal, Jakarta, Indonesia 1996
  • photo 5: Greater Burhan Oil Field, Kuwait 1991

#best_photographers #hard_realities #social_engagement #documentary #photo_journalism #world


Jamshid Golmakani est un réfugié iranien, il est aussi photographe et réalisateur, il est en cours de montage d'un moyen ou long métrage sur le passage de la frontière à Montgenèvre ( hautes alpes). depuis bientôt 2 ans il vient sur cette frontière.
Il peut proposer une expo photo sur ses séjours à cette frontière, si quelqu'un est intéressé.
son site : http://www.horizondoc.jimdo.com/
catalogue documentaires : https://horizondoc.jimdofree.com/catalogue-documentaires-catalogue/
apparemment en arabe ou en persan, j'ai pas tout vérifié:)
messages : horizondoc@hotmail.fr
#migrant #exile #refugie #frontiere #droitdasile #alpes #montagne #tousmigrants #refugeewelcome #cimade #anafe #medecindumonde #msf
Le nouveau refuge solidaire ouvert fin août avec une capacité de 80 personnes s'est vu contraint de fermer temporairement ses portes il y a 15j/ 3 semaines car surchargé avec 220 personnes en demandant à la préfète de trouver une solution. la préfète, attaquant les assos locales a signifié une fin de non recevoir en précisant renforcer de 200 policiers et gendarmes les patrouilles à la frontière.
Accueil temporaire par l'église Ste Catherine, et actuellement sous 1 barnum chauffé devant la salle paroissiale, prêté par msf, qui a précisé que c'est la 1ère fois qu'il est utilisé en France, car habituellement utilisé pour des missions à l'étranger
Pétition ici : https://www.change.org/p/un-toit-pour-les-exil%C3%A9s-dans-le-froid-%C3%A0-brian%C3%A7on


Books that I read in 2021 - number 28:

This novel is a little exhausting to read, yet worth persevering through: White Shroud is the title in English. The story of Antanas Garsva, a Lithuanian in exile in New York, is interlaced. He works as an elevator boy in a hotel and while working he remembers his life. Unchronological, challenging in form and content, lyrical and always with exciting scenes, existential questions are raised more than answered.

#AntanasSkema #lithuania #novel #litauen #liftboy #newyork #exile #madness #bücher #exilschriftsteller #literature #surrealism #books #empfehlung #lesen


#home #exile
May 26, 2021


Before Ireland, home was the Iberian Peninsula.
Before the Iberian Peninsula my ancestors
roamed other lands along the Mediterranean Sea
and the Atlantic Ocean.
No place was home but in their ships.
To Rome and Egypt they went.
All of humanity are descendants of Noah.
The home of Noah was Shulon in East Eden.
Then, that was over and off in an ark he went.
We are said to be from his son Japseth.
Others are from his other sons.
The winds of time scatter historical records
all over the world, and most were destroyed.
Someone will discover a relic and say-
“Oh! What is this?"
Israelite Joseph and Moses were in exile in Egypt.
Moses carried the bones of Joseph out of Egypt.
I am in exile. Where should my bones be buried?
I have no land to call my home.
I, too, am a Stranger in a Strange Land.
The home of my heart is where my Beloved lives.
I would have my bones buried there.
And I know our home is not on this Earth.
It is a place beyond the sky. Beyond the sun and stars.
We are in exile from there.