

it is satire, but had to check it out before posting. Wouldn't surprise me if Netanyahu said something that outrageous.

The Israeli government has put out a statement giving well wishes to everyone taking part in Ramadan this year, saying that they are only blocking food from entering the Gaza out of respect for the tradition.

“People claim we have no respect for the lives of those we want to wipe out,” said Netanyahu, “but we understand that Ramadan has started and we are doing everything in our power to stop those observing the tradition in Palestine from breaking it by making it that there is no food for them to eat. We are really heroic in that way.”

#Israel #Gaza #Famine #Ramadan #Satire #Politics #FoodAsWeapon #StopIsrael #SaveGaza



Great Irish Famine historians issue St. Patrick's Day statement on Gaza (IrishCentral, 2024-03-15)

"As historians of the Irish Famine, we are conscious of the horrific effects of mass starvation, including the trauma it leaves in its wake. ... we are alarmed at its imminence in Gaza, and are strongly urging here that every possible step be taken to prevent it.

"As a descendant of Great Famine survivors himself, and with the capacity to influence the situation, President #Biden carries a particular responsibility..."

"More than with most famines, this is an avoidable #catastrophe. With its restrictions on the distribution of food aid, water, and medical supplies, Israel is manifestly causing famine as it wages war. In this, it is facilitated by the United States, which continues to arm Israel and give it political cover through the use of its veto at the UN Security Council.


#Ireland #History #Famine #Gaza #Israel #FoodAsWeapon


13 trucks filled with flour and other humanitarian aid managed to enter the northern #Gaza Strip for the first time in nearly four months today. At least six of the flour shipments were used to replenish UNRWA warehouses in the area, with other trucks being successfully unloaded elsewhere in the north.

It's amazing that a tiny pressure from Biden made it possible for food to enter into northern Gaza.

These 11 trucks delivering more food than all ridiculous airdrops and relief boats combined.

#FoidAsWeapon #Famine #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


"Grass soup with lemon juice"... is the #Ramadan breakfast for a family in northern #Gaza,

#AIPAC has posted a guideline for it's lobbyists and "activists" to deny the ongoing famine in Gaza and claim that "they have seen videos of people eating food" as their proof.

Reality of northern Gaza is different, less than 10% of the population have access to more than 1 meal per day and almost half of them go days without any food.

It's happening while the world is spreading propaganda about the 200 tons of food arriving by sea (like 4 trucks of food by land).

#FoodAsWeapon #Propaganda #famine
#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Palestinian children collect scraps of aid dumped on the northern Gaza Strip as Israel's famine war coincides with the holy month of Ramadan, amid calls from international and human rights groups to open crossings and bring in large quantities of food and badly needed medical supplies.

Video shared on telegram channel: https://t.me/newsvideofa/1403

#FoodAsWeapon #Gaza #Famine #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Yazan Al-Kafarna, a 9-year-old Palestinian boy with cerebral palsy, was forced to flee the Israeli invasion of Beit Hanoun with his family to southern Gaza. Recently, Yazan's health deteriorated due to a shortage of food and oxygen.

Today, Yazan passed away due to insufficient healthcare and a lack of specialized food for his condition at Abu Youssef Al-Najjar #Hospital, exacerbated by the Israeli blockade of #Gaza.
#Genocide #Famine #Inhumanity
#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow