

#Ireland to join #ICJ lawsuit against #Israel in December, Foreign Ministry says

"Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheal Martin today secured government approval for Ireland to intervene in #SouthAfrica's International Court of Justice case against Israel under the #Genocide Convention. Filing of the intervention will take place at the Court in The Hague later this month," the Irish Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Ireland will ask the court to broaden "its interpretation of what constitutes the commission of genocide by a state," Martin was quoted as saying in a statement.

"We are concerned that a very narrow interpretation of what constitutes genocide leads to a culture of impunity in which the protection of civilians is minimized," he added.

🇿🇦 In December 2023, South Africa filed an application with the ICJ, asking the World Court to issue interim measures against Israel for its war on Gaza. South Africa said that Israel's actions against Palestinians in the enclave were in "violation of obligations under the Genocide Convention".

In January, the ICJ ordered Israel to prevent genocide in Gaza, punish incitement to genocide against Palestinians and ensure the flow of humanitarian aid. It stopped short of ordering Israel to halt the offensive, as South Africa had sought in the case.

#gaza #politics


#SouthAfrica on Monday (October 28) filed a detailed submission to the International Court of Justice ( #ICJ) outlining evidence of #Israel’s alleged violation of the #1948 #Genocide Convention in its ongoing war on #Gaza.

According to the South African presidency, the submission, also called a memorial, includes 750 pages of evidence of acts of genocide and genocidal intent.

"The evidence will show that undergirding Israel’s genocidal acts is the special intent to commit genocide, a failure by Israel to prevent incitement to genocide, to prevent genocide itself and its failure to punish those inciting and committing acts of genocide," a statement by the presidency said.

It added that the evidence is presented in more than 750 pages of text, in addition to over 4,000 pages of annexes.

"South Africa’s Memorial is a reminder to the global community to remember the people of #Palestine, to stand in solidarity with them and to stop the catastrophe. The devastation and suffering has been possible only because despite the ICJ and numerous #UN bodies’ actions and interventions, Israel has failed to comply with its international obligations,” it said.

The submission may not be made public, in accordance with the rules of the court, said the presidency.
Israel will have a deadline of 28 July 2025 to file a response, known as counter-memorial.



Bästa Svenska artickln jag har läst på länge: När lärde vi oss att älska terrorismen? Västvärlden har förvandlats till det den lovade att bekämpa

Många är vi som påtalat att den så kallade regelbaserade världsordningen underkänts under Gaza-kriget. Krigsförbrytartribunalen ICC och Internationella domstolen i Haag, ICJ, viftas bort som antisemiter, särintressen, islamister eller bara irrelevanta dårar. I ord och handling, inte bara av Israel utan av USA och flera andra av de stora västdemokratierna. De som ofta och gärna definierar vad som är civilisation och vad som är barbari. FN, Amnesty, WHO, HRW och Läkare utan gränser slår larm om och protesterar mot krigsbrott och etnisk rensning men avfärdas totalt och på bred front. Hjälparbetare och journalister på plats dödas i en omfattning som saknar motstycke i modern krigföring.

Vad vi inte talat lika mycket om är vad som ersatt idén om en regelbaserad världsordning. Men det som har skett, som är historiskt signifikant, är att västvärldens regeringar, makthavare och opinionsbildare i hög utsträckning anammat terrorns logik.

Omänskliga vansinnesdåd kan motiveras genom att alla civila görs till legitima måltavlor överallt
Vi har ett politiskt samtal, och en medierapportering, om kriget där premisserna har förändrats. Det är numera underförstått att det – i fallet Palestina – är i sin ordning att utkräva hämnd på civila. Att det är rimligt att bomba oskyldiga som geografiskt befinner sig på en plats nära någon misstänkt.

Där är nu den israeliska, men också den svenska, brittiska och tyska, tanken om våld densamma som terroristens. Omänskliga vansinnesdåd kan motiveras genom att alla civila görs till legitima måltavlor överallt. Det gäller både ideologiskt drivna internationella terrornätverk och radikaliserade ensamagerande galningar. Nu gäller det också Israels regering – och alla de västregimer som plötsligt accepterar och försvarar den logiken. Ibland mer inlindat eller genom tystnad om krigsbrott, ibland mycket mer explicit genom uttalat stöd, omfattande vapenexport och andra miljardaffärer.


#Sverige #Gaza #Israel #Omänsklghet #Folkmord #ICC #ICJ #Krigsbrott #Palestina


The World Court has ended the Oslo ruse

The ICJ's ruling that international law protects the rights of Palestinians, and they need not negotiate with their oppressors for those rights, dealt a definitive blow to decades of Western efforts to situate Israel outside the reach of the law.
Robin, Clinton And Arafat after signing the so called Oslo Peace Accord in 1979


#ICJ #ICC #Occupation #Israel #Palestine #OsloAccord #OsloScam #Apartheid


Imagine sitting there alone, like that listening to the most despicable criminal in our time , surrounded by a group of sold out criminals cheering and praising that wanted war criminal.

This should go to history of the most shameful moment of US modern political history.

55 standing ovation for man hated by most of his own people is just the proof these people are not really representatives of US interes nor interested in Israeli people at all.

It's just sickening to to watch her lonely protest.

#Netanyahu #RashidaTlaib #Hypocrisy #USCongress #WarCriminal #WarCrime #USpolitics #ICJ #ICC #Politics #Shame


Israel’s war on Gaza live: Wave of attacks as Israel told to end occupation | #AlJazeera


  • Israeli military carries out raids, arrests across the occupied West Bank
  • ICJ ruling on Israeli occupation should be ‘wake-up’ call for #US: #HRW
  • Three ‘mass casualty’ attacks on civilian sites in Gaza kill more than 50: #UN
  • WATCH: Marwan Bishara – ICJ ruling against Israel actions a ‘game changer’

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel #ICJ
#Genocide #Impunity


WTAF: ‘Wrong Sort of Holocaust Survivor’:

“According to the #Guardian, #Independent and #NYT, #Holocaust #Survivors Who Condemn Israel’s Genocide Are The ‘Wrong Sort of Holocaust Survivor’: Interviews with Stephen Kapos, Suzanne Weiss and Rene Lichtman - all Child Survivors of the Holocaust in France and Hungary”

by veteran UK #Socialist, #AntiZionist and #AntiRacist campaigner and author Tony #Greenstein in his 24/06/24 blogpost

PS I can't find the reference anywhere using duckducgo but found this article having that phrase: https://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/article/labour-silencing-holocaust-survivors-and-descendants-of-holocaust-survivors/

#Gaza #Palestine #Resistance #ExterminationCamp #Israel #ApartheidIsrael #US #ICJ #ICC #GenocideJoe #Netanyahu #DahiyaDoctrine #HannibalDirective #IDF #SnuffMovies #Zionism #Racism #Pogrom #Nakba #Genocide #FinalSolution #SettlerColonialism #Liberation #LiberationWar #Dehumanization #Hamas #TerroristIsrael #EthnicCleansing #ChildMurder #ChildTorture #Starvation #Disease #Hasbara #Disinformation #InfoWar #CollectivePunishment #TheOccupiedTerritories #WarCrimes #GroundInvasion #BabyMurderers #HospitalDestroyers #CrimesAgainstHumanity #StateSanctionedMurder #OperationAlAqsaFlood #FreePalestine #PermanentCeasefireNoW #GenocideJoe #USComplicity #UKComplicity #EUComplicity

PSS: image from archives


The war the media doesn't show us: The #IDF's General Staff lost control over the units, especially reserve units, months ago. In Gaza, in the #WestBank and in bases in Israel, soldiers record themselves destroying Palestinian property and civilian infrastructure | Amos Harel

🔶️ Blowing up homes without permission and spreading political messages identified with the far right. What is photographed and distributed is only the tip of the iceberg

🔶️ The vast majority of offenses are committed beyond the range of cameras, and in the vast majority of these cases, the army responds weakly if at all. Some of the incidents are serving #ICJ prosecutors as proof of the allegations against Israel

Some videos available on telegram: https://t.me/newsvideofa/2396?single

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


A coalition of NGOs has urgently appealed to the #UN Security Council to enforce the International Court of Justice's orders regarding Israel's offensive in Rafah, Gaza.

Organizations such as #Oxfam, Plan International, and #ActionAid, alongside other prominent relief and human rights organizations, emphasize the critical need for immediate action to uphold international law and ensure Israel's compliance with the ICJ's mandates.
#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


#Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hadja Lahbib, and the top #EU Foreign Affairs and Security Policy official, Josep Borrell, of the Council of the EU, have jointly decided to convene an EU-Israel Association Council.

The purpose of this council is to assess compliance with the Association Agreement, which includes obligations to uphold human rights.
#ICJ #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow